Welcome to our dedicated genealogy calculators and tools resource page.
Free Name Tools
- Surname Ranking Tool: Find how rare or common any last name is.
Free Date Calculators
Dates play a crucial role in exploring our past. I’ve put together a set of specialized date calculators for different genealogical situations.
Bookmark this page so you can pick and choose whichever you need for a given scenario.
- Day of the Week Calculator: Determine the day of the week for any historical date.
- Date Difference Calculator: Measure the exact span of time between two dates.
- Birth Date From Headstone Calculator : Calculate a date of birth given the age at death.
- Age At Historical Event Calculator: Calculate someone’s age at a particular date.
- Marriage Age Calculator: Calculate the age at which someone was married.
- Life Expectancy Comparison: Compare someone’s age against life expectancy.
- Pregnancy Birth Interval Calculator: Estimate the likely conception date based on a birth date.
- Julian To Gregorian Conversion Tool: Convert dates from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian system.
- Date Of Easter Calculator: Find out when Easter was celebrated in historical years.