This list of Hispanic last names starting with M is based on the 2010 United States census.
We have only included “M” surnames where at least 60% of the holders declared that they were Hispanic.
Notes About Our Hispanic List
The U.S. census of 2010 included a question that asked if the person was “Spanish / Hispanic/ Latino”.
We used a cutoff of 60% to ensure that the last names were typically Hispanic.
The table shows you the number of people of this surname who declared on the census that they were Hispanic.
The next column shows the total number of people bearing that name. The percentage of Hispanic names is a simple calculation of the second column divided by the third.
The final column shows how common the surname is in the United States. For example, Martinez is ranked #10.
Links To Other Lists Of Hispanic Names
We have a list of Hispanic names for each letter of the alphabet. Click on any letter below to follow a link.
Can’t Find A Surname That You Know?
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You can use our surname ranking tool, which shows you where any last name ranks in the U.S. census.
Hispanic Last Names Beginning With M
Let’s look first at the names from Macareno to Mairena. Within this section, Macias is the most common of the names in the United States.
There are several theories as to the origins of the Macias surname. Perhaps the most prevalent theory is that it derives from Spanish word for “Messiah”. This could be adopted by families of Sephardi (Jewish) origin.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Macareno | 840 | 873 | 96.22% | 27,581 |
Macario | 1,435 | 1,787 | 80.30% | 16,171 |
Maceda | 853 | 1,124 | 75.89% | 22,791 |
Macedo | 6,135 | 8,433 | 72.75% | 4,201 |
Machorro | 697 | 717 | 97.21% | 32,169 |
Machuca | 6,092 | 6,351 | 95.92% | 5,475 |
Macias | 58,580 | 62,227 | 94.14% | 538 |
Maciel | 9,295 | 11,500 | 80.83% | 3,142 |
Madera | 7,937 | 9,583 | 82.82% | 3,705 |
Madero | 1,396 | 1,625 | 85.91% | 17,379 |
Madrid | 22,090 | 25,854 | 85.44% | 1,364 |
Madrigal | 25,327 | 27,033 | 93.69% | 1,299 |
Madril | 950 | 1,242 | 76.49% | 21,144 |
Madriz | 1,401 | 1,440 | 97.29% | 18,950 |
Madueno | 715 | 780 | 91.67% | 30,076 |
Maese | 973 | 1,160 | 83.88% | 22,235 |
Maestas | 6,764 | 8,296 | 81.53% | 4,287 |
Maez | 1,294 | 1,648 | 78.52% | 17,182 |
Magadan | 662 | 731 | 90.56% | 31,629 |
Magallan | 843 | 884 | 95.36% | 27,331 |
Magallanes | 8,043 | 8,852 | 90.86% | 4,012 |
Magallon | 5,095 | 5,387 | 94.58% | 6,332 |
Magana | 37,111 | 39,105 | 94.90% | 888 |
Magdaleno | 7,519 | 7,956 | 94.51% | 4,461 |
Mairena | 840 | 891 | 94.28% | 27,164 |
Hispanic names from Maisonet to Manzano
Maldonado is by far the most common name in this section.
It has one of the more eyebrow-raising origins as the name derives from the Spanish phrase for “ill favored” or ugly. In other words, its quite derogatory.
But if the nickname was conferred by others on a man, his children and grandchildren might adopt it with pride.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Maisonet | 2,012 | 2,305 | 87.29% | 13,246 |
Majano | 2,068 | 2,116 | 97.73% | 14,191 |
Malacara | 698 | 744 | 93.82% | 31,184 |
Malagon | 2,977 | 3,115 | 95.57% | 10,339 |
Malave | 4,703 | 5,278 | 89.11% | 6,434 |
Maldonado | 113,882 | 121,526 | 93.71% | 249 |
Malpica | 1,064 | 1,174 | 90.63% | 22,069 |
Maltez | 699 | 781 | 89.50% | 30,043 |
Mancera | 2,337 | 2,424 | 96.41% | 12,732 |
Mancha | 2,879 | 3,248 | 88.64% | 9,932 |
Mancia | 3,548 | 4,089 | 86.77% | 8,106 |
Mancilla | 7,334 | 7,908 | 92.74% | 4,486 |
Mancillas | 2,568 | 2,751 | 93.35% | 11,448 |
Mancinas | 787 | 825 | 95.39% | 28,829 |
Mandujano | 5,958 | 6,133 | 97.15% | 5,660 |
Mangual | 1,556 | 1,772 | 87.81% | 16,273 |
Manjarrez | 3,037 | 3,179 | 95.53% | 10,145 |
Manon | 672 | 982 | 68.43% | 25,226 |
Manrique | 3,367 | 3,847 | 87.52% | 8,562 |
Manriquez | 7,666 | 8,119 | 94.42% | 4,381 |
Mansilla | 778 | 890 | 87.42% | 27,185 |
Manso | 872 | 1,219 | 71.53% | 21,439 |
Mantilla | 1,723 | 1,898 | 90.78% | 15,434 |
Manzanares | 6,645 | 7,480 | 88.84% | 4,740 |
Manzano | 7,440 | 9,608 | 77.44% | 3,697 |
Hispanic names from Manzo to Marrero
Marquez is the most common name in this section.
There are several theories on the origins of the name. One theory is that it refers simply to the son of Marco or Marcus. Another theory points to the position in nobility of a Marquis.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Manzo | 9,801 | 13,635 | 71.88% | 2,639 |
Maqueda | 690 | 732 | 94.26% | 31,587 |
Maradiaga | 2,479 | 2,584 | 95.94% | 12,068 |
Maravilla | 5,099 | 5,669 | 89.95% | 6,052 |
Marban | 1,070 | 1,124 | 95.20% | 22,791 |
Marcano | 3,403 | 4,256 | 79.96% | 7,789 |
Marchan | 1,569 | 2,184 | 71.84% | 13,843 |
Marchena | 663 | 749 | 88.52% | 31,001 |
Marcia | 684 | 961 | 71.18% | 25,659 |
Marcial | 4,082 | 4,670 | 87.41% | 7,162 |
Marcos | 3,180 | 5,052 | 62.95% | 6,688 |
Marenco | 1,196 | 1,595 | 74.98% | 17,613 |
Marentes | 826 | 871 | 94.83% | 27,625 |
Mares | 12,318 | 14,931 | 82.50% | 2,427 |
Marez | 2,591 | 3,056 | 84.78% | 10,499 |
Marin | 38,012 | 43,904 | 86.58% | 784 |
Marines | 1,074 | 1,266 | 84.83% | 20,843 |
Marinez | 2,018 | 2,343 | 86.13% | 13,091 |
Mariscal | 7,970 | 8,368 | 95.24% | 4,238 |
Marmol | 1,723 | 1,956 | 88.09% | 15,080 |
Marmolejo | 4,937 | 5,221 | 94.56% | 6,500 |
Marmolejos | 1,089 | 1,115 | 97.67% | 22,944 |
Marquez | 97,532 | 107,533 | 90.70% | 287 |
Marquina | 1,710 | 1,820 | 93.96% | 15,959 |
Marrero | 18,846 | 21,109 | 89.28% | 1,706 |
Hispanic names from Marroquin to Maturino
Martinez is by far the most common name in this section. Indeed, it ranked at 10th position in the 2010 U.S. census.
The name means “son of Martin”, and Martin derives from the name of the Roman God of War i.e. Mars. Early adopters would have been soldiers and warriors.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Marroquin | 18,595 | 19,661 | 94.58% | 1,822 |
Marrufo | 3,422 | 3,626 | 94.37% | 9,017 |
Marrujo | 893 | 1,037 | 86.11% | 24,214 |
Marte | 7,790 | 8,867 | 87.85% | 4,007 |
Martindelcamp | 901 | 917 | 98.26% | 26,576 |
Martines | 8,036 | 9,363 | 85.83% | 3,780 |
Martinez | 984,994 | 1,060,159 | 92.91% | 10 |
Martinezcruz | 674 | 694 | 97.12% | 32,994 |
Martinezgarcia | 1,396 | 1,427 | 97.83% | 19,075 |
Martinezhernan | 741 | 755 | 98.15% | 30,825 |
Martinezlopez | 1,371 | 1,395 | 98.28% | 19,379 |
Martinezperez | 960 | 982 | 97.76% | 25,226 |
Martir | 1,104 | 1,284 | 85.98% | 20,627 |
Mas | 1,023 | 1,513 | 67.61% | 18,317 |
Mascarenas | 1,857 | 2,563 | 72.45% | 12,156 |
Mascorro | 2,823 | 3,077 | 91.75% | 10,451 |
Masias | 732 | 879 | 83.28% | 27,435 |
Mata | 43,496 | 48,120 | 90.39% | 724 |
Matamoros | 3,787 | 4,044 | 93.64% | 8,206 |
Mateo | 11,125 | 13,746 | 80.93% | 2,623 |
Mateos | 1,414 | 1,526 | 92.66% | 18,227 |
Matias | 8,983 | 11,635 | 77.21% | 3,091 |
Matos | 17,162 | 21,258 | 80.73% | 1,696 |
Maturino | 721 | 757 | 95.24% | 30,767 |
Hispanic names from Matute to Melecio
The most common name in this section is Medina. There are many places of that name across Spain.
The Arabic origins point to the name meaning “city of the prophet”.
Mejia is also a common name in this list. Like a name we discussed earlier, the name derives from the word for “Messiah”.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Matute | 3,528 | 3,892 | 90.65% | 8,478 |
Mauricio | 4,038 | 5,371 | 75.18% | 6,346 |
Maximo | 665 | 986 | 67.44% | 25,152 |
Maya | 9,002 | 10,313 | 87.29% | 3,466 |
Mayen | 1,639 | 1,934 | 84.75% | 15,223 |
Mayoral | 1,636 | 1,753 | 93.33% | 16,415 |
Mayorga | 9,116 | 9,659 | 94.38% | 3,679 |
Mayorquin | 890 | 912 | 97.59% | 26,695 |
Maysonet | 1,315 | 1,420 | 92.61% | 19,138 |
Maza | 1,429 | 2,036 | 70.19% | 14,617 |
Mazariego | 1,271 | 1,320 | 96.29% | 20,192 |
Mazariegos | 5,036 | 5,255 | 95.83% | 6,465 |
Mazon | 1,327 | 2,138 | 62.07% | 14,070 |
Medel | 3,885 | 4,620 | 84.09% | 7,224 |
Medellin | 5,763 | 6,231 | 92.49% | 5,577 |
Medero | 913 | 1,006 | 90.76% | 24,762 |
Mederos | 2,476 | 2,875 | 86.12% | 11,057 |
Medina | 171,834 | 188,497 | 91.16% | 133 |
Medrano | 37,435 | 40,261 | 92.98% | 858 |
Mejia | 98,344 | 104,057 | 94.51% | 300 |
Mejias | 4,096 | 4,472 | 91.59% | 7,450 |
Mejorado | 1,212 | 1,307 | 92.73% | 20,336 |
Melara | 2,848 | 3,157 | 90.21% | 10,204 |
Melchor | 7,291 | 8,319 | 87.64% | 4,269 |
Melecio | 1,063 | 1,143 | 93.00% | 22,503 |
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Hispanic names from Melena to Meraz
Mendoza is the most common name in this section, appearing at the 88th position in the 2010 U.S. census.
The origins of the name are in the Spanish words for “cold mountain”. The early adopters would possibly have lived near a snow-covered mountain.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Melena | 1,000 | 1,177 | 84.96% | 22,026 |
Melendez | 52,339 | 56,230 | 93.08% | 603 |
Melendrez | 4,299 | 4,703 | 91.41% | 7,113 |
Melero | 1,521 | 1,627 | 93.48% | 17,359 |
Melgar | 8,548 | 9,106 | 93.87% | 3,897 |
Melgarejo | 1,662 | 1,822 | 91.22% | 15,947 |
Melgoza | 5,035 | 5,211 | 96.62% | 6,511 |
Mellado | 993 | 1,057 | 93.95% | 23,881 |
Membreno | 2,761 | 2,898 | 95.27% | 10,977 |
Mena | 17,398 | 19,522 | 89.12% | 1,832 |
Menchaca | 7,460 | 8,169 | 91.32% | 4,345 |
Mencia | 685 | 740 | 92.57% | 31,329 |
Mendez | 151,739 | 161,717 | 93.83% | 162 |
Mendieta | 4,367 | 4,630 | 94.32% | 7,209 |
Mendiola | 8,084 | 10,752 | 75.19% | 3,337 |
Mendivil | 2,238 | 2,474 | 90.46% | 12,525 |
Mendizabal | 1,053 | 1,177 | 89.46% | 22,026 |
Mendosa | 3,290 | 3,568 | 92.21% | 9,144 |
Mendoza | 218,421 | 242,771 | 89.97% | 88 |
Menendez | 9,981 | 11,609 | 85.98% | 3,102 |
Meneses | 6,159 | 8,548 | 72.05% | 4,143 |
Menjivar | 8,358 | 8,622 | 96.94% | 4,116 |
Mera | 1,643 | 2,206 | 74.48% | 13,721 |
Meraz | 8,221 | 8,616 | 95.42% | 4,119 |
Hispanic names from Mercado to Minjarez
The first name in this section, Mercado, is the most common on the list.
The origins of Mercado are from the Spanish word for a market. The early name holders likely lived near a marketplace or worked as market traders.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Mercado | 52,589 | 60,761 | 86.55% | 555 |
Merced | 2,780 | 3,233 | 85.99% | 9,978 |
Mercedes | 4,025 | 4,272 | 94.22% | 7,767 |
Merchan | 945 | 1,016 | 93.01% | 24,593 |
Merida | 3,495 | 4,411 | 79.23% | 7,536 |
Merino | 10,396 | 11,684 | 88.98% | 3,073 |
Merlos | 1,810 | 1,886 | 95.97% | 15,520 |
Mesa | 11,357 | 13,566 | 83.72% | 2,656 |
Mesta | 978 | 1,243 | 78.68% | 21,119 |
Mestas | 1,839 | 2,375 | 77.43% | 12,935 |
Mestre | 965 | 1,187 | 81.30% | 21,878 |
Meza | 50,851 | 53,230 | 95.53% | 639 |
Miera | 1,153 | 1,594 | 72.33% | 17,625 |
Miguel | 6,759 | 10,861 | 62.23% | 3,303 |
Mijangos | 1,157 | 1,204 | 96.10% | 21,648 |
Mijares | 2,628 | 3,259 | 80.64% | 9,912 |
Milanes | 784 | 1,001 | 78.32% | 24,855 |
Milian | 4,481 | 5,181 | 86.49% | 6,539 |
Milla | 803 | 1,195 | 67.20% | 21,759 |
Millan | 9,036 | 10,733 | 84.19% | 3,339 |
Minaya | 2,284 | 2,425 | 94.19% | 12,729 |
Minchala | 660 | 682 | 96.77% | 33,450 |
Minero | 714 | 836 | 85.41% | 28,525 |
Minjares | 1,209 | 1,334 | 90.63% | 20,047 |
Minjarez | 1,600 | 1,743 | 91.80% | 16,481 |
Hispanic names from Mirabal to Monrreal
Molina is the most common name in this section, ranking 320th in the 2010 U.S. census.
There are several towns throughout Spain with this name, and it would have been adopted by people who came from those areas.
But it is also a surname that indicates an occupation. The world Molina derives from the Spanish world for a mill. It would have been bestowed on the operators of mills, i.e. millers.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Mirabal | 2,478 | 2,896 | 85.57% | 10,983 |
Miramontes | 8,440 | 8,884 | 95.00% | 3,998 |
Miranda | 75,811 | 93,628 | 80.97% | 330 |
Mireles | 16,062 | 17,186 | 93.46% | 2,105 |
Moctezuma | 3,623 | 3,735 | 97.00% | 8,775 |
Modesto | 1,308 | 1,800 | 72.67% | 16,087 |
Mojarro | 1,405 | 1,440 | 97.57% | 18,950 |
Mojica | 13,086 | 14,737 | 88.80% | 2,450 |
Molano | 1,171 | 1,441 | 81.26% | 18,939 |
Molina | 87,591 | 96,979 | 90.32% | 320 |
Molinar | 2,990 | 3,577 | 83.59% | 9,129 |
Monarrez | 2,755 | 2,860 | 96.33% | 11,099 |
Moncada | 7,749 | 8,574 | 90.38% | 4,134 |
Moncayo | 1,830 | 2,006 | 91.23% | 14,794 |
Moncivais | 861 | 925 | 93.08% | 26,391 |
Mondragon | 17,458 | 18,620 | 93.76% | 1,941 |
Monegro | 974 | 993 | 98.09% | 25,020 |
Monge | 7,182 | 8,418 | 85.32% | 4,209 |
Monjaras | 1,452 | 1,514 | 95.90% | 18,311 |
Monjaraz | 911 | 940 | 96.91% | 26,067 |
Monje | 1,354 | 1,669 | 81.13% | 17,026 |
Monreal | 5,063 | 5,698 | 88.86% | 6,031 |
Monroy | 13,688 | 14,673 | 93.29% | 2,456 |
Monrreal | 677 | 708 | 95.62% | 32,485 |
Hispanic names from Monrroy to Montesinos
Montes is the most common name in this section, appearing in the top thousand names in the 2010 U.S. census.
There are several areas of this name throughout Spain. It derives from the Spanish term for mountains, and would be conferred on people who came from high terrain.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Monrroy | 892 | 929 | 96.02% | 26,282 |
Monsalve | 1,358 | 1,442 | 94.17% | 18,928 |
Monsivais | 2,554 | 2,632 | 97.04% | 11,894 |
Montalbo | 722 | 1,021 | 70.71% | 24,499 |
Montalvan | 1,192 | 1,252 | 95.21% | 21,009 |
Montalvo | 21,392 | 23,454 | 91.21% | 1,531 |
Montanez | 15,102 | 16,281 | 92.76% | 2,240 |
Montano | 23,561 | 27,276 | 86.38% | 1,286 |
Monteagudo | 1,111 | 1,279 | 86.86% | 20,687 |
Montealegre | 732 | 869 | 84.23% | 27,678 |
Montejano | 3,031 | 3,263 | 92.89% | 9,907 |
Montejo | 1,427 | 1,687 | 84.59% | 16,887 |
Montellano | 1,223 | 1,331 | 91.89% | 20,076 |
Montelongo | 8,034 | 8,472 | 94.83% | 4,180 |
Montemayor | 6,674 | 8,106 | 82.33% | 4,386 |
Montenegro | 9,394 | 10,606 | 88.57% | 3,365 |
Monteon | 749 | 778 | 96.27% | 30,139 |
Montero | 14,661 | 17,314 | 84.68% | 2,090 |
Monterrosa | 1,945 | 2,032 | 95.72% | 14,643 |
Monterroso | 2,812 | 2,964 | 94.87% | 10,763 |
Monterroza | 852 | 897 | 94.98% | 27,021 |
Montes | 44,570 | 48,142 | 92.58% | 723 |
Montesdeoca | 5,566 | 5,820 | 95.64% | 5,922 |
Montesino | 1,283 | 1,371 | 93.58% | 19,654 |
Montesinos | 2,080 | 2,172 | 95.76% | 13,903 |
Hispanic names from Montez to Morones
Morales is the most common name in this section, and is ranked 63rd in the 2010 American census.
With the “es” at the end. Morales means “son of Moral”. The origins of Moral come from the Spanish term for a mulberry bush or blackberry bush.
So, the early adopters of the name cam from areas thickly populated with these bushes.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Montez | 8,778 | 10,097 | 86.94% | 3,539 |
Montiel | 11,612 | 12,376 | 93.83% | 2,896 |
Montijo | 2,666 | 3,000 | 88.87% | 10,663 |
Montilla | 1,657 | 2,200 | 75.32% | 13,752 |
Montoya | 63,539 | 71,844 | 88.44% | 459 |
Montufar | 1,171 | 1,223 | 95.75% | 21,393 |
Monzon | 5,174 | 6,151 | 84.12% | 5,646 |
Mora | 52,057 | 57,464 | 90.59% | 583 |
Morado | 1,815 | 2,118 | 85.69% | 14,178 |
Moraga | 1,748 | 2,318 | 75.41% | 13,186 |
Morales | 290,670 | 311,777 | 93.23% | 63 |
Moralez | 4,693 | 5,120 | 91.66% | 6,613 |
Morataya | 1,774 | 1,842 | 96.31% | 15,806 |
Morejon | 2,562 | 2,715 | 94.36% | 11,578 |
Morelos | 2,351 | 2,567 | 91.59% | 12,136 |
Moreno | 181,624 | 196,925 | 92.23% | 124 |
Morera | 1,052 | 1,155 | 91.08% | 22,319 |
Moreta | 798 | 870 | 91.72% | 27,646 |
Morfin | 4,119 | 4,505 | 91.43% | 7,391 |
Morga | 859 | 1,231 | 69.78% | 21,288 |
Morillo | 2,931 | 3,477 | 84.30% | 9,355 |
Morocho | 2,856 | 2,918 | 97.88% | 10,910 |
Moron | 877 | 1,026 | 85.48% | 24,404 |
Morones | 2,787 | 3,081 | 90.46% | 10,440 |
Hispanic names from Moronta to Muzquiz
Munoz is the most common name in this section. The name may have several origins, with people adopting it for different reason and meanings.
As “son of Muno”, it may refer to the Latin word for a mountain (mons). Early people with this name may have lived near or on mountainous areas.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Moronta | 1,045 | 1,086 | 96.22% | 23,414 |
Morquecho | 1,424 | 1,510 | 94.30% | 18,347 |
Morua | 1,034 | 1,096 | 94.34% | 23,251 |
Moscoso | 2,316 | 2,669 | 86.77% | 11,739 |
Mosqueda | 9,043 | 9,709 | 93.14% | 3,668 |
Mosquera | 2,825 | 3,286 | 85.97% | 9,846 |
Mota | 12,133 | 14,182 | 85.55% | 2,547 |
Moya | 16,137 | 18,071 | 89.30% | 2,001 |
Mujica | 2,411 | 2,594 | 92.95% | 12,033 |
Mulero | 936 | 1,015 | 92.22% | 24,608 |
Mundo | 1,678 | 2,201 | 76.24% | 13,746 |
Muneton | 679 | 703 | 96.59% | 32,676 |
Mungia | 1,545 | 1,912 | 80.81% | 15,340 |
Munguia | 12,042 | 12,615 | 95.46% | 2,857 |
Muniz | 27,754 | 30,695 | 90.42% | 1,147 |
Munos | 3,338 | 3,610 | 92.47% | 9,050 |
Munoz | 148,150 | 158,483 | 93.48% | 168 |
Muralles | 779 | 813 | 95.82% | 29,138 |
Muratalla | 954 | 974 | 97.95% | 25,403 |
Murcia | 2,410 | 2,563 | 94.03% | 12,156 |
Murga | 1,222 | 1,413 | 86.48% | 19,210 |
Murguia | 3,897 | 4,141 | 94.11% | 7,983 |
Muriel | 1,430 | 1,778 | 80.43% | 16,238 |
Murillo | 42,752 | 45,558 | 93.84% | 757 |
Muro | 6,498 | 7,916 | 82.09% | 4,481 |
Murrieta | 2,653 | 2,835 | 93.58% | 11,160 |
Murrietta | 664 | 781 | 85.02% | 30,043 |
Muzquiz | 684 | 784 | 87.24% | 29,947 |