When you enter a birth and death date, this calculator compares the person’s lifespan to the average life expectancy of their time.
We use historical estimates based on men in England since the 1500s. Women traditionally have had a higher expectancy of a few years. These figures should be treated as rough estimates only.
Life Expectancy Comparison Tool
(leave blank if still alive)
How The Estimation Tool Works
There are many different estimates that have slightly different numbers. Bear in mind that the figures before the 19th century should be treated as very rough figures.
The tool uses figures based on the studies in this article. Here is the list:
From | To | Age |
1500 | 1780 | 35 |
1780 | 1830 | 39 |
1830 | 1890 | 40 |
1890 | 1910 | 50 |
1910 | 1940 | 60 |
1940 | 1960 | 65 |
1960 | 1970 | 70 |
1970 | 1990 | 75 |
1990 | 2010 | 79 |