When you’re searching for ancestors and relatives in old documents, you will find that sometimes their nickname was used instead of the first name on their birth record.
Some nicknames are fairly obvious, with a “y” tacked onto the end of the formal name. But when you scroll through our list, you’ll be scratching your head at some of them.
Using Our List Of Nicknames
Some lists expect you to know the formal name and will give you several nicknames for it.
I prefer to work the other way. When I see a nickname on an old document, I want to be able to look up the possible first names it could represent. That’s why we’ve ordered our list by nickname.
You can either scroll down the list or jump to a nickname by using the Find feature in your browser (try ctrl-f). And you’re welcome to copy the table into a spreadsheet.
Nicknames That You Don’t Expect
Many nicknames simply don’t sound like the name they replace. Here are some answers to the more confusing ones.
Why was Polly a nickname for Mary?
It was common English practice in the Middle Ages to swap consonants in common names to differentiate between people. Substituting the double l for an r in Mary leads to Molly. The P consonant is very close to M, which leads to the variant of Polly.
Why was Daisy a nickname for Margaret?
Daisy is a very different sounding name to Margaret, but is a frequent nickname. The reason comes from France. “Marguerite” is the French word for a daisy, hence the substitution.
Why was Jack a nickname for John?
Jack is now a popular name in its own right, but you may get tripped up in older documents where it is a nickname for John.
There are several theories but the most accepted reason is that it is due to the Norman practice of adding “kin” to a name as a nickname (like we add a “y” now).
As John would have been pronounced “Jen” in the Middle Ages, it became Jenkin. Jenkin morphed into Jakin, which turned into Jack.
Nicknames List
Nickname | Formal Name |
Ab | Absalom |
Ab | Abijah |
Ab | Abigail |
Ab | Abner |
Abbie | Abigail |
Abbie | Absalom |
Abbie | Abner |
Abe | Abel |
Abe | Abraham |
Abertina | Alberta |
Abram | Abraham |
Ada | Adaline |
Ada | Adelaide |
Addie | Adelaide |
Addy | Agatha |
Ade | Adam |
Adela | Adelaide |
Adela | Della |
Adela | Adaline |
Adelaide | Della |
Adeline | Adelaide |
Adeline | Aline |
Ado | Adolphus |
Adolph | Adolphus |
Ag | Agatha |
Aggie | Agatha |
Aggy | Augusta |
Aggy | Agnes |
Agnes | Agatha |
Agnes | Inez |
Agnes | Nancy |
Aileen | Helen |
Al | Alyssa |
Al | Alastair |
Al | Alanson |
Al | Albert |
Al | Alfred |
Al | Alonzo |
Ala | Alexander |
Albert | Elbert |
Albert | Adelbert |
Albertine | Alberta |
Alec | Alexander |
Alex | Alexander |
Alexandra | Sandra |
Alf | Alfred |
Alfie | Alfred |
Alfy | Alfreda |
Algy | Algernon |
Ali | Alazama |
Ali | Alison |
Alice | Elsie |
Alicia | Alice |
Aline | Adaline |
Allie | Alberta |
Allie | Almena |
Ally | Alice |
Ally | Alyssa |
Alphonzo | Alonzo |
Alphus | Alphinias |
Alyssa | Melissa |
Amabel | Mabel |
Amos | Moses |
Amy | Amanda |
Amy | Amelia |
Ana | Anastasia |
Ance | Anselm |
Andi | Alexander |
Andy | Andrew |
Angel | Angela |
Angelica | Angela |
Angelina | Angela |
Angeline | Angela |
Angie | Angela |
Ann | Nancy |
Ann | Deanne |
Ann | Agnes |
Anna | Hannah |
Anna | Anne |
Anna | Savannah |
Anna | Annette |
Annie | Leanne |
Annie | Stephanie |
Annie | Anne |
Anse | Anselm |
Ansel | Anselm |
Ansey | Andrew |
Antonia | Antoinette |
Appie | Appoline |
Appy | Appoline |
Ara | Arabella |
Archie | Archibald |
Arie | Ariadne |
Arie | Arielle |
Arilla | Cinderella |
Arnie | Arnold |
Art | Arthur |
Art | Artemus |
Assene | Asenath |
Athy | Eighta |
Augie | Augusta |
Babs | Barbara |
Baldie | Archibald |
Barb | Barbara |
Barbara | Barbery |
Barbie | Barbara |
Barney | Barnabas |
Barney | Bernard |
Bart | Barticus |
Bart | Bartholomew |
Bartel | Bartholomew |
Barth | Bartholomew |
Basil | Bazaleel |
Bat | Bartholomew |
Bea | Blanche |
Bea | Beatrice |
Becca | Rebecca |
Beck | Rebecca |
Beckie | Rebecca |
Beda | Obedience |
Beedy | Obedience |
Bell | Belinda |
Bella | Isabelle |
Bella | Arabella |
Belle | Belinda |
Belle | Isabelle |
Belle | Arabella |
Ben | Benedict |
Ben | Benjamin |
Benjie | Benjamin |
Bennett | Benedict |
Bennie | Benjamin |
Bernie | Bernard |
Berry | Greenberry |
Berry | Littleberry |
Bert | Elbertson |
Bert | Albert |
Bert | Alberta |
Bert | Delbert |
Bert | Gilbert |
Bert | Egbert |
Bert | Bertram |
Bert | Roberta |
Bert | Herbert |
Bert | Hubert |
Bert | Adelbert |
Bertie | Bertha |
Bertie | Gilbert |
Bertie | Bertram |
Bertie | Alberta |
Bess | Elizabeth |
Bessie | Elizabeth |
Beth | Bethena |
Beth | Elizabeth |
Bethia | Elizabeth |
Betsy | Elizabeth |
Bette(y) | Elizabeth |
Bev | Beverly |
Biddie | Obedience |
Biddy | Bridget |
Bige | Abijah |
Bill | Willis |
Bill | William |
Billie | Wilhelmina |
Bird | Albert |
Bo | Boetius |
Bob | Robert |
Bobbie | Barbara |
Bobbie | Roberta |
Bobby | Robert |
Bonnie | Barbara |
Bram | Abraham |
Brandy | Brenda |
Bree | Aubrey |
Bri | Sabrina |
Bridgit | Bedelia |
Bridie | Bridget |
Brie | Bridget |
Brina | Sabrina |
Britt | Brittany |
Brose | Ambrose |
Bryan | Brian |
Bryant | Brian |
Buck | Charles |
Bud | William |
Burt | Egbert |
Caddie | Caroline |
Cage | Micajah |
Cal | Calvin |
Cal | Caleb |
Callie | California |
Cally | Calpurnia |
Cam | Cameron |
Cam | Campbell |
Cammie | Carmon |
Cammy | Camille |
Candy | Candace |
Car | Charlotte |
Carl | Charles |
Carlotta | Charlotte |
Carm | Carmon |
Carol | Caroline |
Carrie | Caroline |
Casper | Jasper |
Cass | Caswell |
Cass | Cassandra |
Cassie | Caroline |
Cassie | Cassandra |
Catherine | Katarina |
Cathy | Catherine |
Ceall | Lucille |
Cecilia | Sheila |
Celia | Cecilia |
Celia | Celeste |
Cenia | Laodicia |
Cera | Sarah |
Chad | Charles |
Chance | Chauncey |
Charles | Carl |
Charlie | Charles |
Charm | Carmon |
Chat | Charity |
Chet | Chesley |
Chet | Chester |
Chick | Charles |
Chris | Christian |
Chris | Christopher |
Chris | Christine |
Chris | Crystal |
Christian | Christopher |
Christopher | Christian |
Christy | Christine |
Chuck | Charles |
Cil | Priscilla |
Cilla | Cicely |
Cilla | Priscilla |
Cille | Lucille |
Ciller | Priscilla |
Cindy | Cynthia |
Cindy | Lucinda |
Cindy | Cinderella |
Cissy | Clarissa |
Cissy | Cecilia |
Claire | Clara |
Clara | Clarinda |
Clara | Clarissa |
Clare | Clarissa |
Clarice | Clara |
Clarissa | Clara |
Clay | Clarence |
Cleat | Cleatus |
Clem | Clementine |
Cliff | Clifton |
Cliff | Clifford |
Clo | Chloe |
CoCo | Cory/Corey |
Cole | Nicole |
Colie | Cole |
Connie | Constance |
Conny | Cornelia |
Cora | Corinne |
Cordelia | Delia |
Cordy | Cordelia |
Cordy | Corey |
Corky | Courtney |
Corny | Cornelia |
Court | Courtney |
Crate | Socrates |
Creasey | Lucretia |
Crissy | Christine |
Curg | Lecurgus |
Curt | Courtney |
Cy | Cyrus |
Cy | Onicyphorous |
Cybilla | Isabelle |
Cyphorus | Onicyphorous |
Dacey | Candace |
Daisy | Margaret |
Dan | Sheridan |
Dan | Daniel |
Dani | Danielle |
Dank | Daniel |
Danny | Daniel |
Danny | Sheridan |
Daph | Daphne |
Daphie | Daphne |
Davy | David |
Dea | Demaris |
Deannie | Geraldine |
Deb | Deborah |
Debbie | Deborah |
Debby | Deborah |
Debi | Deborah |
Dee | Deanne |
Dee | Delores |
Dee | Audrey |
Dee | Dorothy |
Dee | Nadine |
Dee | Deidre |
Del | Delphine |
Del | Adelbert |
Del | Delbert |
Delbert | Adelbert |
Delf | Delphine |
Delia | Bridget |
Delia | Fidelia |
Delia | Bedelia |
Delia | Cordelia |
Delilah | Della |
Dell | Delilah |
Della | Adelaide |
Della | Adela |
Della | Delilah |
Della | Rhodella |
Delphi | Delphine |
Delphia | Philadelphia |
Densy | Prudence |
Derick | Frederick |
Di | Diane |
Diah | Jedediah |
Diah | Obadiah |
Dicey | Elizabeth |
Dicey | Eurydice |
Dicey | Edith |
Dicey | Eudicy |
Dicey | Diane |
Dick | Zadock |
Dick | Dickson |
Dick | Melchizedek |
Dick | Richard |
Dicy | Laodicia |
Didi | Diane |
Dina | Geraldine |
Dob | Robert |
Dobbin | Robert |
Dock | Zadock |
Doda | Dorothea |
Dodie | Delores |
Dolly | Dorothy |
Dolph | Rudolph |
Dolph | Randolph |
Dolph | Adolphus |
Dom | Dominic |
Dora | Theodora |
Dora | Doris |
Dora | Isadora |
Dora | Eudora |
Dora | Dorothea |
Dora | Medora |
Dora | Dorinda |
Dora | Pandora |
Dorey | Theodore |
Dorothea | Dorothy |
Dorothea | Dorinda |
Dosia | Theodosia |
Dossie | Eudoris |
Dotha | Dorothy |
Dotty | Dorothy |
Doug | Douglas |
Dre | Sondra |
Drea | Andrea |
Drew | Andrew |
Dunk | Duncan |
Duty | Deuteronomy |
Dyer | Obadiah |
Dyer | Jedediah |
Eb | Ebenezer |
Eben | Ebenezer |
Ec | Alexander |
Ed | Edmund |
Edie | Edith |
Edie | Adam |
Edith | Adaline |
Edny | Edna |
Effie | Euphemia |
Eileen | Helen |
Elaine | Helen |
Elaine | Eleanor |
Elbert | Elbertson |
Eleanor | Helen |
Eleanor | Ella |
Elenor | Leonora |
Eli | Elisha |
Eli | Elias |
Eli | Elijah |
Elis | Elizabeth |
Eliza | Louise |
Elizabeth | Isabelle |
Elizabeth | Elsie |
Ella | Gabrielle |
Ella | Eleanor |
Ella | Luella |
Ellen | Helen |
Ellen | Eleanor |
Ellen | Ellender |
Ellie | Alexandria |
Ellie | Danielle |
Ellis | Elisha |
Ells | Elwood |
Elly | Elwood |
Eloise | Louise |
Eloise | Heloise |
Elsie | Alice |
Elsie | Elizabeth |
Elvie | Elvira |
Emanuel | Manuel |
Emily | Emeline |
Emily | Amelia |
Emma | Emily |
Emmanuel | Immanuel |
Emmer | Emeline |
Emmie | Emily |
Emmy | Emeline |
Eph | Ephraim |
Epsey | Artelepsa |
Erick | Roderick |
Erma | Emily |
Erna | Ernestine |
Ernie | Ernest |
Erwin | Irwin |
Essie | Esther |
Essy | Estella |
Esther | Hester |
Etta | Carthaette |
Etta | Loretta |
Etta | Henrietta |
Etty | Carthaette |
Ev | Evangeline |
Ev | Evelyn |
Evan | Evangeline |
Eve | Evelyn |
Eve | Manerva |
Ez | Ezekiel |
Fan | Frances |
Fanny | Frances |
Fate | Lafayette |
Fay | Faith |
Fayette | Lafayette |
Felty | Valentine |
Ferbie | Pharaba |
Ferdie | Ferdinand |
Fidelia | Delia |
Fie | Philander |
Field | Winfield |
Fifi | Phoebe |
Filip | Philip |
Fina | Rufina |
Flick | Felicity |
Flo | Florence |
Flora | Florence |
Florrie | Florence |
Floss | Florence |
Flossie | Florence |
Ford | Clifford |
Fran | Frances |
France | Frances |
Frank | Francis |
Frank | Franklin |
Frankie | Frances |
Franky | Veronica |
Franny | Frances |
Franz | Frances |
Fred | Ferdinand |
Fred | Alfred |
Fred | Frederick |
Fred | Wilfred |
Freddie | Frederick |
Freddie | Winifred |
Fredric | Frederick |
Frieda | Alfreda |
Frish | Frederick |
Fritz | Frederick |
Frona | Sophronia |
Fronia | Sophronia |
Gabbie | Gabrielle |
Gabby | Gabriel |
Gabe | Gabriel |
Gabriella | Ella |
Gail | Abigail |
Gatty | Gertrude |
Gay | Gerhardt |
Gee | Jehu |
Gency | Genevieve |
Gene | Eugene |
Genny | Gwendolyn |
Geoffrey | Jeffrey |
Georgiana | Georgia |
Geri | Geraldine |
Gertie | Gertrude |
Gib | Gilbert |
Gib | Bertram |
Gil | Bertram |
Gil | Gilbert |
Gina | Regina |
Ginger | Virginia |
Ginny | Virginia |
Glory | Gloria |
Govie | Governor |
Green | Greenberry |
Greg | Gregory |
Greta | Margaret |
Grissel | Griselda |
Gum | Montgomery |
Gus | Gustavus |
Gus | Augustus |
Gussie | Augusta |
Gustus | Augustus |
Gwen | Gwendolyn |
Hal | Howard |
Hal | Harold |
Hal | Henry |
Haley | Mahala |
Ham | Hamilton |
Hank | Henrietta |
Hank | Henry |
Hannah | Susannah |
Hannah | Anne |
Hans | John |
Harold | Harry |
Harry | Horace |
Harry | Henry |
Harry | Harold |
Harty | Hortense |
Hassie | Haseltine |
Hattie | Hannah |
Hattie | Harriet |
Heide | Adelaide |
Helen | Ella |
Helen | Ellender |
Helen | Eileen |
Helen | Ellen |
Helen | Eleanor |
Helen | Elena |
Helen | Aileen |
Helmie | Wilhelmina |
Heloise | Lois |
Heloise | Eloise |
Hen | Henry |
Hence | Henry |
Henry | Harry |
Herb | Herbert |
Hester | Esther |
Hetty | Henrietta |
Hetty | Hester |
Hetty | Heather |
Hetty | Mehitabel |
Hez | Hezekiah |
Hodge | Roger |
Hodgekin | Roger |
Honey | Honora |
Honor | Leonora |
Horatio | Horace |
Hosey | Hosea |
Hosie | Hosea |
Howie | Howard |
Hugh | Jehu |
Hugh | Hubert |
Hugo | Hubert |
Huldah | Mahala |
Humey | Posthuma |
Ian | John |
Ib | Isabelle |
Ibby | Elizabeth |
Iggy | Ignatius |
Ike | Isaac |
Ina | Christine |
Ina | Augusta |
Indie | India |
Indy | India |
Irving | Irvin |
Irwin | Erwin |
Issy | Isadora |
Issy | Isabelle |
Ivan | John |
Ivy | Iva |
Izzy | Isidore |
Jack | Jackson |
Jack | John |
Jackie | Jacqueline |
Jake | Jacob |
Jamie | James |
Jamie | Benjamin |
Jan | Jennifer |
Jane | Angela |
Jane | Joanna |
Jane | Jessie |
Jane | Virginia |
Jane | Jinsy |
Janet | Jane |
Janet | Jessie |
Janie | Jane |
Jap | Jasper |
Jasper | Casper |
Jay | Jayme |
Jean | John |
Jean | Joanna |
Jeanne | Jeanette |
Jed | Jedediah |
Jeff | Geoffrey |
Jeff | Jeffrey |
Jeffrey | Geoffrey |
Jemma | Jemima |
Jennie | Virginia |
Jennie | Jean |
Jenny | Jennifer |
Jenny | Genevieve |
Jenny | Jane |
Jenny | Jennet |
Jeremy | Jeremiah |
Jerry | Gerald |
Jerry | Jeremiah |
Jess | Jessie |
Jess | Jessica |
Jesse | Jessica |
Jessica | Jessie |
Jessie | Jessica |
Jessie | Jane |
Jessie | Jennet |
Jettie | Josetta |
Jill | Julia |
Jim | James |
Jinsey | Genevieve |
Jinsey | Jane |
Jo | Josephine |
Joan | Joanna |
Joan | Jane |
Joanna | Jean |
Joanna | Jane |
Jock | John |
Jody | Joanna |
Joe | Joseph |
Joey | Josephine |
Joey | Joseph |
Johanna | Joanna |
John | Ian |
John | Ivan |
John | Jonathan |
John Johnny | Johannes |
Jon | Jonathan |
Jonathan | Johannes |
Jonathan | Nathaniel |
Jorge | George |
Josephine | Pheney |
Josh | Joshua |
Josie | Josephine |
Joy | Joyce |
Juda | Judith |
Jude | Judah |
Jude | Judith |
Juder | Judah |
Judy | Judith |
Julie | Julia |
Juliet | Julia |
Justus | Justin |
Karen | Catherine |
Karl | Carl |
Kat | Katherine |
Kate | Katherine |
Katharine | Catherine |
Kathleen | Catherine |
Katie | Katherine |
Katie | Catherine |
Kay | Kendra |
Kay | Catherine |
Ken | McKenna |
Kenj | Kendra |
Kenna | McKenna |
Kenny | Kendra |
Kenzy | Mackenzie |
Kester | Christopher |
Kezzie | Keziah |
Ki | Hezekiah |
Kid | Keziah |
Kill | Archilles |
Killis | Archilles |
Kissy | Kristine |
Kissy | Calista |
Kit | Christopher |
Kit | Christian |
Kit | Catherine |
Kitsey | Katherine |
Kittie | Catherine |
Kitty | Katherine |
Kizzy | Keziah |
Kris | Kristine |
Kris | Kristel |
Krissy | Kristine |
Ky | Hezekiah |
Lan | Yulan |
Lanna | Eleanor |
Lanson | Alanson |
Larry | Lawrence |
Lars | Lawrence |
Laura | Loretta |
Laura | Laurinda |
Laura | Lorinda |
Laurence | Lawrence |
Laurie | Lauryn |
Laurie | Lauren |
Lawrie | Lawrence |
Lea | Leanne |
Lee | LeRoy |
Lee | Leonidas |
Leffie | Lafayette |
Left | Lafayette |
Lem | Lemuel |
Lena | Helen |
Lena | Caroline |
Lena | Arlene |
Lena | Madeline |
Leo | Leonard |
Leon | Napoleon |
Leon | Lionel |
Leon | Leonidas |
Leon | Leonard |
Leonora | Eleanor |
Les | Leslie |
Lessie | Celeste |
Lester | Leslie |
Lettice | Letitia |
Lettie | Violetta |
Lettie | Letitia |
Letty | Charlotte |
Leve | Aleva |
Levy | Aleva |
Lewis | Louis |
Lexa | Alexandra |
Lexi | Alexis |
Libby | Elizabeth |
Life | Eliphalel |
Lige | Elijah |
Lil | Delilah |
Lil | Lillian |
Lila | Delilah |
Liley | Silence |
Lilly | Lillian |
Lina | Emeline |
Lina | Angelina |
Linda | Melinda |
Linda | Belinda |
Linda | Celinda |
Lindy | Malinda |
Lindy | Melinda |
Lindy | Celinda |
Link | Lincoln |
Linney | Adeline |
Lisa | Alice |
Lisa | Elysia |
Lisa | Melissa |
Lisa | Elisa |
Lish | Elisha |
Lissia | Alyssa |
Little | Littleberry |
Livia | Olivia |
Liz | Elizabeth |
Liza | Elizabeth |
Lizabeth | Elizabeth |
Lizzie | Elizabeth |
Lloyd | Floyd |
Lodi | Melody |
Lois | Louise |
Lois | Heloise |
Lola | Delores |
Lolly | Lillian |
Lon | Alonzo |
Lon | Lawrence |
Lon | Zebulon |
Lonnie | Alonzo |
Lonzo | Alonzo |
Loomie | Salome |
Lorrie | Lorraine |
Lorrie | Loretta |
Lorry | Lawrence |
Lotta | Charlotte |
Lottie | Carlotta |
Lottie | Charlotte |
Lou | Louise |
Lou | Louis |
Louie | Louis |
Louise | Eloise |
Louise | Lois |
Lucas | Lucias |
Lucy | Lucinda |
Lucy | Lucille |
Lucy | Lucia |
Luella | Ella |
Luke | Lucias |
Lulu | Louise |
Lum | Columbus |
Lura | Lurana |
Lynn | Celinda |
Lynn | Caroline |
Mabel | Mehitabel |
Mac | Malcolm |
Maddie | Madeline |
Maddy | Madison |
Madge | Marjorie |
Madge | Madeline |
Madge | Margaret |
Mae | Mary |
Maggie | Margaret |
Maggie | Magdalena |
Maggie | Madeline |
Maisie | Margaret |
Mal | Malcolm |
Malc | Malcolm |
Mally | Malachi |
Mamie | Mary |
Manda | Amanda |
Mandana | Amanda |
Mandy | Armanda |
Mandy | Miranda |
Mandy | Amanda |
Manny | Manuel |
Manny | Emanuel |
Mantha | Samantha |
Manuel | Immanuel |
Manuel | Emanuel |
Marcie | Marsha |
Margaret | Gretchen |
Margaret | Daisy |
Marge | Margaret |
Marge | Marjorie |
Margie | Marjorie |
Margo | Margaret |
Mari | Miranda |
Maria | Mary |
Maria | Mariah |
Marie | Mary |
Marietta | Mary |
Marion | Mary |
Maris | Demaris |
Mark | Marcus |
Marnie | Martha |
Mart | Martha |
Marty | Martha |
Marv | Marvin |
Mary | Maureen |
Mary | Marilyn |
Mary | Marian |
Mary | Marion |
Mary | Marsha |
Mary | Miriam |
Mary | Mitzi |
Mary | Demaris |
Mary | Mariah |
Mat | Matilda |
Mat | Martha |
Matt | Matthew |
Matthias | Matthew |
Mattie | Martha |
Mattie | Madison |
Matty | Matilda |
Maud | Matilda |
Maud | Madeline |
Maureen | Mary |
Maury | Maurice |
May | Mary |
Meaka | McKenna |
Mec | America |
Meg | Megan |
Meg | Margaret |
Megan | Margaret |
Mehitabel | Mabel |
Mel | Melissa |
Mel | Amelia |
Mel | Melinda |
Mel | Melvin |
Melchizedek | Zadock |
Melia | Amelia |
Mell | Mildred |
Mellia | Carmellia |
Mellia | Mellony |
Mellie | Permelia |
Mena | Philomena |
Mena | Almena |
Mercy | Mary |
Mercy | Mercedes |
Merv | Marvin |
Mervyn | Marvin |
Metta | Margaret |
Michael | Mitchell |
Mickey | Michael |
Mickey | Michelle |
Middie | Madeline |
Midge | Margaret |
Mike | Michael |
Millie | Emeline |
Millie | Camille |
Millie | Amelia |
Milly | Millicent |
Milly | Armilda |
Milly | Mildred |
Milly | Permelia |
Milly | Melissa |
Mimi | Jemima |
Mimi | Mildred |
Mina | Minerva |
Mina | Wilhelmina |
Mindie | Arminda |
Minerva | Manerva |
Minite | Arminta |
Minnie | Arminta |
Minnie | Wilhelmina |
Minnie | Elminie |
Minnie | Almina |
Minnie | Mary |
Minnie | Minerva |
Minty | Araminta |
Mira | Elmira |
Mira | Miranda |
Missy | Melissa |
Mitch | Mitchell |
Mitchell | Michael |
Mitty | Mehitabel |
Mitzi | Miriam |
Mitzi | Mary |
Mock | Democrates |
Mollie | Mary |
Mona | Ramona |
Monie | Monica |
Monte | Monteleon |
Monty | Montgomery |
Monty | Montesque |
Morris | Maurice |
Mort | Mortimer |
Mose | Moses |
Moses | Amos |
Moss | Moses |
Mossie | Maurice |
Mur | Muriel |
Myra | Almira |
Myrt | Myrtle |
Myrti | Myrtle |
Nabby | Abigail |
Nace | Ignatius |
Nada | Nadine |
Nan | Nancy |
Nan | Anne |
Nan | Hannah |
Nana | Anne |
Nance | Nancy |
Nancy | Agnes |
Nancy | Anne |
Nannie | Nancy |
Nanny | Anne |
Nanny | Hannah |
Nap | Napoleon |
Nat | Nathaniel |
Nat | Natasha |
Nat | Jonathan |
Nate | Nathaniel |
Nathan | Jonathan |
Nathan | Nathaniel |
Nattie | Natalie |
Natty | Nathaniel |
Naz | Ignatius |
Ned | Edmund |
Neely | Cornelius |
Neely | Cornelia |
Neil | Cornelius |
Nell | Helen |
Nell | Eleanor |
Nell | Ellen |
Nelle | Cornelia |
Nellie | Helen |
Nellie | Eleanor |
Nellie | Petronella |
Nellie | Ellender |
Nellie | Ellen |
Nelly | Cornelia |
Nels | Nelson |
Neppie | Penelope |
Nerva | Manerva |
Nerva | Minerva |
Nervie | Minerva |
Nervie | Manerva |
Nessa | Vanessa |
Nessie | Agnes |
Net | Antoinette |
Nettie | Jannett |
Nettie | Antoinette |
Nettie | Annette |
Nettie | Antonia |
Nettie | Lunetta |
Nettie | Jeanette |
Nettie | Monet |
Nettie | Henrietta |
Nettie | Pernetta |
Nettie | Natalie |
Nib | Isabelle |
Nicey | Vernisee |
Nicie | Eunice |
Nicie | Eunice |
Nick | Nicholas |
Nick | Dominic |
Nicky | Nicholas |
Nikki | Nicole |
Nita | Juanita |
Noah | Manoah |
Noel | Nowell |
Nole | Nicole |
Nonie | Nora |
Nonnie | Manola |
Nora | Eleanor |
Nora | Honora |
Nora | Elnora |
Nora | Leonora |
Norah | Honora |
Norry | Honora |
Obe | Obadiah |
Obed | Obadiah |
Obed | Obedience |
Obie | Obadiah |
Ode | Otis |
Odie | Lillian |
Odo | Odell |
Ola | Viola |
Olive | Olivia |
Ollie | Oliver |
Ollie | Olive |
Omi | Naomi |
Ona | Yeona |
Ona | Arizona |
Onie | Arizona |
Onie | Yeona |
Onnie | Iona |
Ophi | Theophilus |
Ora | Corinne |
Ora | Aurilla |
Ora | Aurelia |
Orlando | Roland |
Ossy | Oswald |
Oswald | Waldo |
Ote | Otis |
Otha | Theotha |
Paddy | Patrick |
Pam | Pamela |
Parsuny | Parthenia |
Pasoonie | Parthenia |
Pat | Patrick |
Pat | Patricia |
Pat | Patience |
Patricia | Patrick |
Patsy | Martha |
Patsy | Patricia |
Patsy | Patrick |
Patty | Martha |
Patty | Mathilda |
Patty | Patience |
Patty | Patricia |
Peggy | Margaret |
Penie | Philipina |
Penny | Penelope |
Perce | Percival |
Percy | Percival |
Peter | Patrick |
Phelia | Orphelia |
Phenie | Parthenia |
Pheny | Josephine |
Pherbia | Pharaba |
Phil | Philip |
Phoebe | Philipina |
Pink | Pinckney |
Pip | Philip |
Ples | Pleasant |
Pokey | Pocahontas |
Poley | Napoleon |
Polly | Pauline |
Polly | Mary |
Pony | Napoleon |
Pres | Prescott |
Prissy | Priscilla |
Provy | Providence |
Prudy | Prudence |
Quil | Aquilla |
Quilla | Tranquilla |
Quillie | Aquilla |
Rae | Rachel |
Raech | Rachel |
Rafe | Randolph |
Raff | Raphael |
Randall | Randolph |
Randy | Randolph |
Randy | Miranda |
Rasmus | Erasmus |
Ray | Regina |
Ray | Raymond |
Raze | Erasmus |
Rea | Andrea |
Reba | Rebecca |
Ree | Corey |
Ree | Aurelia |
Reg | Reginald |
Reggie | Reginald |
Reginald | Reynold |
Rella | Cinderella |
Ren | Lauren |
Rena | Serena |
Rena | Irene |
Rena | Serena |
Rennie | Irene |
Retta | Loretta |
Retta | Henrietta |
Rex | Reginald |
Reynold | Reginald |
Rhynie | Catherine |
Rhynie | Rhyna |
Rian | Adrian |
Richie | Richard |
Rick | Eric |
Rick | Richard |
Rickie | Roderick |
Ricky | Eric |
Rilla | Avarilla |
Rilla | Serilla |
Rilla | Cinderella |
Rilly | Aurilla |
Rilly | Aurelia |
Rina | Catherine |
Rissa | Marissa |
Rita | Margarita |
Rita | Jerita |
Ritchie | Richard |
Rob | Robert |
Robbie | Roberta |
Robin | Robert |
Rod | Roderick |
Rodie | Rhoda |
Roland | Orlando |
Rolf | Rudolph |
Rollo | Rudolph |
Ron | Ronald |
Ron | Aaron |
Ronna | Veronica |
Ronnie | Veronica |
Ronnie | Ronald |
Ross | Roscoe |
Rowland | Roland |
Rox | Roxane |
Roxie | Roxane |
Roy | LeRoy |
Rube | Reuben |
Ruby | Reuben |
Rudy | Rudolph |
Ruminta | Araminta |
Rupert | Robert |
Russ | Russell |
Ry | Ryan |
Sabby | Sabrina |
Sabra | Sabrina |
Sadie | Mercedes |
Sadie | Sarah |
Sal | Salvador |
Sal | Sarah |
Sal | Solomon |
Sallie | Sarah |
Salmon | Solomon |
Sam | Samuel |
Sam | Samson |
Sammy | Samantha |
Sandi | Cassandra |
Sandra | Cassandra |
Sandra | Alexandria |
Sandy | Sanford |
Sandy | Alexander |
Sandy | Sandra |
Sara | Sarah |
Scott | Prescott |
Sebby | Sebastian |
Sene | Asenath |
Senie | Eseneth |
Seph | Persephone |
Sephy | Persephone |
Sha | Sharon |
Sha | Shaina |
Shay | Sharon |
Shay | Shaina |
Shelly | Michelle |
Shelly | Sheldon |
Si | Silas |
Si | Sylvester |
Sica | Jessica |
Sid | Sydney |
Sid | Sigfrid |
Sid | Sidney |
Sig | Sigismund |
Silla | Sarilla |
Silla | Drusilla |
Siller | Priscilla |
Sim | Simeon |
Simon | Simeon |
Sina | Cynthia |
Sina | Rosina |
Sinah | Lucina |
Sis | Frances |
Sly | Sylvester |
Sly | Sylvanus |
Sol | Solomon |
Solly | Solomon |
Sonnie | Sondra |
Sonny | Samuel |
Sophia | Sophronia |
Stacia | Eustacia |
Stacy | Eustacia |
Stacy | Anastasia |
Stella | Estella |
Stephie | Stephanie |
Stevie | Stephen |
Sudy | Susannah |
Sue | Susannah |
Sukey | Susannah |
Suki | Suzanne |
Sukie | Sarah |
Sula | Ursula |
Sulie | Ursula |
Sully | Sullivan |
Surry | Sarah |
Susan | Susannah |
Susanna | Anne |
Susannah | Hannah |
Susie | Susannah |
Suzanne | Susannah |
Syl | Sylvanus |
Syl | Sylvester |
Tabby | Tabitha |
Tad | Thaddeus |
Tammy | Tamarra |
Tan | Nathaniel |
Tanny | Tanafra |
Tash | Tasha |
Tasha | Natasha |
Tashie | Tasha |
Tave | Octavia |
Tavia | Octavia |
Ted | Theodore |
Ted | Edmund |
Teeny | Parthenia |
Teeny | Ernestine |
Telly | Aristotle |
Tempy | Temperance |
Tensey | Hortense |
Terry | Teresa |
Terry | Theresa |
Terry | Terence |
Tess | Theresa |
Tess | Teresa |
Tess | Elizabeth |
Tessie | Theresa |
Tessie | Teresa |
Thad | Thaddeus |
Thaney | Bethena |
Theo | Theodosia |
Theotric | Theodore |
Thom | Thomas |
Thursa | Theresa |
Thursa | Arthusa |
Tick | Felicity |
Ticy | Theresa |
Tiff | Tiffany |
Tiffy | Tiffany |
Tilda | Matilda |
Tillie | Matilda |
Tillie | Tilford |
Tillie | Mathilda |
Tim | Timothy |
Tina | Christine |
Tina | Ernestine |
Tina | Augusta |
Tina | Katarina |
Tish | Letitia |
Titia | Letitia |
Tobe | Tobias |
Tobias | Tobias |
Tom | Thomas |
Tonie | Antoinette |
Tony | Anthony |
Toria | Victoria |
Torrie | Victoria |
Tory | Victoria |
Tracy | Theresa |
Trannie | Tranquilla |
Tricia | Patricia |
Trina | Catherine |
Trish | Patricia |
Trisha | Beatrice |
Trissy | Beatrice |
Trissy | Theresa |
Trixie | Patricia |
Trixie | Beatrice |
Trudy | Gertrude |
Tyrza | Teresa |
Ury | Uriah |
Val | Valentine |
Val | Valerie |
Van | Vanessa |
Vangie | Evangeline |
Vannie | Vandalia |
Vannie | Vanessa |
Vannie | Savannah |
Veda | Laveda |
Verna | Laverne |
Vest | Sylvester |
Vester | Sylvester |
Vi | Vivian |
Vi | Viola |
Vic | Victor |
Vicki | Victoria |
Vicy | Levicy |
Vin | Vincent |
Vina | Lavinia |
Vina | Melvina |
Vince | Vincent |
Viney | Lavinia |
Vinnie | Vincent |
Viny | Lavinia |
Virginia | Jane |
Viv | Vivian |
Von | Lavonne |
Vonna | Yvonne |
Vonnie | Lavinia |
Vonnie | Veronica |
Waldo | Oswald |
Wally | Wallace |
Wat | Walter |
Webb | Webster |
Wen | Wendy |
Wendy | Gwendolyn |
Wilber | Bertram |
Wilber | Gilbert |
Will | William |
Willie | Wilfred |
Willie | Wilhelmina |
Willy | Willis |
Wilma | Wilhelmina |
Win | Winfield |
Winnet | Winifred |
Winnie | Winifred |
Winny | Winfield |
Wint | Winton |
Woody | Woodrow |
Wyncha | Lavinia |
Xan | Alexandra |
Xandra | Alexander |
Xina | Christine |
Yul | Yulan |
Zach | Zachariah |
Zacharias | Zachariah |
Zachary | Zachariah |
Zada | Alzada |
Zaddi | Arzada |
Zadie | Isaiah |
Zadock | Melchizedek |
Zay | Isaiah |
Zeb | Zebulon |
Zed | Zedediah |
Zed | Zadock |
Zee | Zaven |
Zeke | Zachariah |
Zeke | Ezekiel |
Zeke | Isaac |
Zel | Zelphia |
Zella | Zelphia |
Zelphy | Zelphia |
Zeph | Zepaniah |
Zolly | Solomon |
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