This list of Hispanic last names starting with S is based on the 2010 United States census.
We have only included “S” surnames where at least 60% of the holders declared that they were Hispanic.
Notes About Our Hispanic List
The U.S. census of 2010 included a question that asked if the person was “Spanish / Hispanic/ Latino”.
We used a cutoff of 60% to ensure that the last names were typically Hispanic.
Our tables show you the number of people of this surname who declared on the census that they were Hispanic.
The next column shows the total number of people bearing that name. The percentage of Hispanic names is a simple calculation of the second column divided by the third.
The final column shows how common the surname is in the United States. For example, Sanchez is ranked #26.
Links To Other Lists Of Hispanic Names
We have a list of Hispanic names for each letter of the alphabet. Click on any letter below to follow a link.
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Hispanic Last Names Beginning With S
We’ll break up this list into sections so we can draw your attention to some of the most common names and their meanings.
Let’s start with names from Saavedra to Saldarriaga. The most common name in the United States in this section is Salazar, which was ranked 179th in the 2010 census.
The origins point to people residing in the town of Salazar in the northern Spanish province of Burgos.
And the town itself likely took its name from an old hall, as “salla” means hall and “zahar” means old in the Basque dialect.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Saavedra | 17,301 | 18,834 | 91.86% | 1,910 |
Sabala | 1,203 | 1,938 | 62.07% | 15,201 |
Sabedra | 741 | 844 | 87.80% | 28,311 |
Sabillon | 962 | 1,021 | 94.22% | 24,499 |
Saenz | 30,922 | 33,787 | 91.52% | 1,029 |
Saez | 3,269 | 3,745 | 87.29% | 8,758 |
Sagastume | 2,332 | 2,465 | 94.60% | 12,560 |
Sagrero | 818 | 827 | 98.91% | 28,777 |
Sahagun | 2,816 | 3,421 | 82.32% | 9,501 |
Sainz | 3,292 | 3,869 | 85.09% | 8,511 |
Sais | 739 | 1,064 | 69.45% | 23,768 |
Saiz | 4,086 | 4,878 | 83.76% | 6,888 |
Salado | 710 | 805 | 88.20% | 29,366 |
Salais | 1,244 | 1,356 | 91.74% | 19,823 |
Salaiz | 739 | 823 | 89.79% | 28,883 |
Salamanca | 3,453 | 3,947 | 87.48% | 8,386 |
Salas | 59,065 | 65,468 | 90.22% | 513 |
Salasar | 1,024 | 1,056 | 96.97% | 23,899 |
Salaz | 807 | 981 | 82.26% | 25,255 |
Salazar | 139,952 | 152,703 | 91.65% | 179 |
Salceda | 687 | 757 | 90.75% | 30,767 |
Salcedo | 16,432 | 18,387 | 89.37% | 1,967 |
Salcido | 9,856 | 10,776 | 91.46% | 3,331 |
Saldana | 32,061 | 34,434 | 93.11% | 1,015 |
Saldarriaga | 875 | 937 | 93.38% | 26,126 |
Hispanic names from Saldierna to Sanroman
Sanchez is the most common name in this section, and was the 26th most common name in the 2010 U.S. census.
Sanchez means “son of Sancho” and the latter name derives from the Latin “sanctus” for sanctified or holy.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Saldierna | 825 | 851 | 96.94% | 28,131 |
Saldivar | 16,037 | 17,250 | 92.97% | 2,097 |
Salgado | 42,677 | 45,469 | 93.86% | 759 |
Salguero | 5,327 | 5,610 | 94.96% | 6,111 |
Salinas | 75,378 | 81,156 | 92.88% | 393 |
Salmeron | 6,867 | 7,191 | 95.49% | 4,899 |
Salto | 789 | 871 | 90.59% | 27,625 |
Salvatierra | 1,764 | 2,012 | 87.67% | 14,761 |
Samaniego | 7,174 | 8,281 | 86.63% | 4,295 |
Samano | 3,239 | 3,547 | 91.32% | 9,195 |
Samayoa | 3,285 | 3,458 | 95.00% | 9,403 |
Sambrano | 1,732 | 2,099 | 82.52% | 14,268 |
Samora | 2,502 | 3,180 | 78.68% | 10,140 |
Samudio | 1,036 | 1,211 | 85.55% | 21,553 |
Sanabria | 8,417 | 9,026 | 93.25% | 3,945 |
Sanches | 6,864 | 7,883 | 87.07% | 4,500 |
Sanchez | 569,798 | 612,752 | 92.99% | 26 |
Sanchezgarcia | 1,032 | 1,049 | 98.38% | 24,031 |
Sanchezlopez | 878 | 898 | 97.77% | 27,002 |
Sandate | 801 | 870 | 92.07% | 27,646 |
Sandoval | 118,542 | 128,948 | 91.93% | 233 |
Sanjuan | 2,775 | 4,232 | 65.57% | 7,825 |
Sanmartin | 1,856 | 2,121 | 87.51% | 14,160 |
Sanmiguel | 4,653 | 5,513 | 84.40% | 6,204 |
Sanroman | 1,109 | 1,274 | 87.05% | 20,750 |
Hispanic surnames from Santacruz to Sarria
There are several more common names in this section. Both Santos and Santiago are within the top 300 names from the 2010 U.S. census.
Santos comes from the Spanish word for “saints”.
Santiago has a related origin in that refers to a saint (santo) with the name of James (Yago). It is linked in particular to the region of Galicia in Spain.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Santacruz | 7,476 | 8,264 | 90.46% | 4,300 |
Santamaria | 9,524 | 12,375 | 76.96% | 2,897 |
Santana | 55,565 | 60,667 | 91.59% | 556 |
Santander | 1,219 | 1,413 | 86.27% | 19,210 |
Santiago | 107,620 | 122,212 | 88.06% | 248 |
Santibanez | 3,725 | 3,868 | 96.30% | 8,512 |
Santiesteban | 1,331 | 1,415 | 94.06% | 19,189 |
Santillan | 12,233 | 13,081 | 93.52% | 2,756 |
Santillana | 973 | 1,118 | 87.03% | 22,892 |
Santillanes | 1,492 | 1,644 | 90.75% | 17,229 |
Santillano | 774 | 836 | 92.58% | 28,525 |
Santistevan | 2,092 | 2,595 | 80.62% | 12,031 |
Santizo | 2,233 | 2,350 | 95.02% | 13,065 |
Santos | 85,358 | 137,232 | 62.20% | 206 |
Santoyo | 8,279 | 8,692 | 95.25% | 4,086 |
Sanz | 1,366 | 1,847 | 73.96% | 15,777 |
Sapien | 1,622 | 1,931 | 84.00% | 15,236 |
Sarabia | 7,907 | 8,695 | 90.94% | 4,082 |
Saragosa | 1,056 | 1,356 | 77.88% | 19,823 |
Saravia | 5,870 | 6,207 | 94.57% | 5,603 |
Sardinas | 983 | 1,091 | 90.10% | 23,333 |
Sarinana | 1,470 | 1,559 | 94.29% | 17,927 |
Sarmiento | 9,918 | 13,710 | 72.34% | 2,631 |
Sarria | 924 | 1,025 | 90.15% | 24,431 |
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Hispanic names from Sauceda to Serratos
Serrano is the most common name within this section. There is also a less common variant spelled with one r.
The name derives from the Spanish word for a mountain ridge (serra), which makes this a topographic name.
In other words, the name originally referred to people who lived near that kind of mountain terrain.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Sauceda | 10,254 | 11,093 | 92.44% | 3,255 |
Saucedo | 28,995 | 30,374 | 95.46% | 1,157 |
Sauseda | 668 | 800 | 83.50% | 29,502 |
Savala | 2,377 | 3,031 | 78.42% | 10,577 |
Savedra | 1,049 | 1,211 | 86.62% | 21,553 |
Secundino | 740 | 759 | 97.50% | 30,701 |
Seda | 2,490 | 3,164 | 78.70% | 10,186 |
Sedano | 2,855 | 3,048 | 93.67% | 10,525 |
Sedillo | 3,170 | 3,704 | 85.58% | 8,844 |
Segarra | 3,319 | 3,871 | 85.74% | 8,509 |
Segovia | 12,098 | 13,182 | 91.78% | 2,733 |
Segoviano | 1,731 | 1,790 | 96.70% | 16,157 |
Segundo | 2,744 | 3,148 | 87.17% | 10,237 |
Segura | 27,499 | 30,880 | 89.05% | 1,136 |
Sencion | 751 | 772 | 97.28% | 30,303 |
Sepeda | 1,618 | 1,844 | 87.74% | 15,792 |
Sepulveda | 18,182 | 19,851 | 91.59% | 1,810 |
Serano | 814 | 1,040 | 78.27% | 24,174 |
Sermeno | 949 | 1,013 | 93.68% | 24,648 |
Serna | 23,075 | 25,503 | 90.48% | 1,390 |
Serpas | 1,113 | 1,680 | 66.25% | 16,933 |
Serrano | 68,655 | 75,996 | 90.34% | 429 |
Serrata | 844 | 903 | 93.47% | 26,887 |
Serrato | 9,895 | 10,449 | 94.70% | 3,415 |
Serratos | 1,708 | 1,779 | 96.01% | 16,228 |
Hispanic names from Servantes to Sixtos
Silva is the most common name in this section and was within the top two hundred names in the 2010 U.S. census.
Silva means “forest” in Latin, and the name refers to people living in a forested region.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Servantes | 1,461 | 1,620 | 90.19% | 17,419 |
Servellon | 820 | 849 | 96.58% | 28,176 |
Servin | 7,102 | 7,842 | 90.56% | 4,519 |
Sesma | 672 | 795 | 84.53% | 29,626 |
Sevilla | 6,849 | 8,980 | 76.27% | 3,958 |
Sevillano | 739 | 847 | 87.25% | 28,241 |
Sibrian | 1,579 | 1,621 | 97.41% | 17,406 |
Sicairos | 825 | 844 | 97.75% | 28,311 |
Sierra | 32,393 | 35,770 | 90.56% | 973 |
Sifuentes | 10,376 | 10,954 | 94.72% | 3,293 |
Sigala | 4,478 | 4,817 | 92.96% | 6,965 |
Siguenza | 1,726 | 1,927 | 89.57% | 15,255 |
Silguero | 1,323 | 1,388 | 95.32% | 19,469 |
Sillas | 773 | 854 | 90.52% | 28,049 |
Silva | 99,146 | 161,633 | 61.34% | 163 |
Silvas | 4,094 | 4,963 | 82.49% | 6,798 |
Silverio | 2,769 | 3,848 | 71.96% | 8,559 |
Silvestre | 2,529 | 3,550 | 71.24% | 9,190 |
Simental | 3,740 | 3,950 | 94.68% | 8,380 |
Sinchi | 798 | 820 | 97.32% | 28,967 |
Siordia | 1,178 | 1,245 | 94.62% | 21,092 |
Siqueiros | 1,470 | 1,588 | 92.57% | 17,673 |
Sisneros | 3,900 | 4,661 | 83.67% | 7,174 |
Sixtos | 1,185 | 1,225 | 96.73% | 21,371 |
Names from Soberanes to Sustaita
This is the final section in the overall list. Soto is the most common name here.
In Spanish, “soto” means a small wood. There are plenty of places in Spain called Soto or El Soto.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Soberanes | 714 | 750 | 95.20% | 30,980 |
Soberanis | 1,178 | 1,328 | 88.70% | 20,116 |
Socarras | 755 | 821 | 91.96% | 28,940 |
Solache | 996 | 1,014 | 98.22% | 24,629 |
Solano | 21,863 | 24,881 | 87.87% | 1,430 |
Solares | 3,540 | 3,812 | 92.86% | 8,629 |
Soler | 4,369 | 5,477 | 79.77% | 6,241 |
Solis | 75,928 | 82,146 | 92.43% | 388 |
Solivan | 850 | 977 | 87.00% | 25,332 |
Soliz | 8,274 | 9,159 | 90.34% | 3,871 |
Solorio | 12,993 | 13,537 | 95.98% | 2,663 |
Solorzano | 14,297 | 15,045 | 95.03% | 2,412 |
Soltero | 3,233 | 3,450 | 93.71% | 9,427 |
Somarriba | 756 | 801 | 94.38% | 29,473 |
Somoza | 1,078 | 1,237 | 87.15% | 21,218 |
Soria | 12,693 | 14,477 | 87.68% | 2,495 |
Soriano | 18,118 | 25,916 | 69.91% | 1,361 |
Sorto | 6,287 | 6,523 | 96.38% | 5,337 |
Sosa | 48,948 | 52,457 | 93.31% | 650 |
Sostre | 916 | 1,010 | 90.69% | 24,702 |
Sotello | 691 | 866 | 79.79% | 27,756 |
Sotelo | 19,824 | 21,455 | 92.40% | 1,679 |
Soto | 134,989 | 144,451 | 93.45% | 191 |
Sotolongo | 1,420 | 1,585 | 89.59% | 17,699 |
Sotomayor | 3,819 | 4,210 | 90.71% | 7,859 |
Soza | 2,133 | 2,499 | 85.35% | 12,432 |
Suarez | 59,491 | 66,013 | 90.12% | 510 |
Suastegui | 935 | 953 | 98.11% | 25,833 |
Suazo | 5,163 | 5,921 | 87.20% | 5,843 |
Subia | 1,100 | 1,383 | 79.54% | 19,527 |
Suero | 1,921 | 2,161 | 88.89% | 13,959 |
Suniga | 1,832 | 2,193 | 83.54% | 13,790 |
Suriel | 1,585 | 1,644 | 96.41% | 17,229 |
Sustaita | 3,321 | 3,547 | 93.63% | 9,195 |