Are you looking for a comprehensive list of last names beginning with “E”?
We’ve used the 2000 and 2010 Census to compile 523 surnames that start with E and have at least one thousand bearers of the name.
In the table below, you’ll see the total number of bearers for the name in each census.
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Meanings Of Popular Last Names Starting With E
Here are the top ten most common last names beginning with E in the 2010 U.S. census.
They are in descending order of how common they are.
Surname | Bearers | Origins | Meaning |
Evans | 355,593 | Welsh | Variation of John |
Edwards | 332,423 | English | Guardian of prosperity |
Ellis | 188,968 | English, Welsh | Variant of Jehovah (English) |
Elliott | 135,765 | English, Scottish | Noble |
Estrada | 127,470 | Hispanic | * |
Espinoza | 112,154 | Hispanic | * |
Erickson | 82,085 | Scandinavian | Son of the great ruler |
Escobar | 64,403 | Hispanic | * |
Eaton | 47,184 | English | Person from a river settlement |
English | 46,393 | English | Person from the region |
To get more details about the Hispanic name, check our companion article on Hispanic surnames starting with E.
Famous People With E Surnames
Here is an assorted collection of ten famous people with a family name starting with E.
Famous Person | Occupation | Best Known For |
Roger Ebert | American film critic | Pulitzer Prize |
T.S. Eliot | American poet | The Wasteland |
Albert Einstein | Physicist (German/Swiss) | Theory of Relativity |
Duke Ellington | American Jazz musician | “It Don’t Mean A Thing” |
George Eliot | English novelist | Silas Marner |
Wyatt Earp | American lawman | Gunfight at the OK Corral |
Umberto Eco | Italian novelist | The Name Of The Rose |
Maria Edgeworth | Irish novelist | Castle Rackrent |
Gustav Eiffel | French architect | The Eiffel Tower |
Idris Elba | English actor | The Wire |
Last Names Starting With E
The first section of the list is for the names starting with “Ea”.
Eaton is the most common name in this section, which has about forty-seven thousand bearers in the 2010 U.S. census. The name is of English origins.
The meaning comes from the Middle English words that describe a settlement near a river. It would be conferred on people who come from these types of settlements.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Eaddy | 3,130 | 3,385 |
Eades | 4,905 | 4,870 |
Eadie | 1,290 | 1,272 |
Eads | 8,853 | 9,056 |
Eady | 3,719 | 3,992 |
Eagan | 5,420 | 5,528 |
Eagen | 1,105 | 1,079 |
Eager | 2,174 | 2,305 |
Eagle | 7,949 | 8,325 |
Eagleson | 1,135 | 1,177 |
Eaglin | 1,458 | 1,678 |
Eaker | 2,282 | 2,263 |
Eakes | 1,501 | 1,572 |
Eakin | 3,707 | 3,628 |
Eakins | 3,074 | 3,090 |
Ealey | 2,135 | 2,229 |
Ealy | 4,296 | 4,408 |
Eames | 2,766 | 2,720 |
Eanes | 2,519 | 2,870 |
Earhart | 3,673 | 3,882 |
Earl | 15,347 | 16,027 |
Earle | 8,373 | 8,672 |
Earles | 2,577 | 2,750 |
Earley | 9,701 | 10,140 |
Earls | 5,865 | 6,136 |
Early | 13,855 | 14,014 |
Earnest | 7,865 | 7,968 |
Earnhardt | 1,559 | 1,539 |
Earnhart | 1,141 | 1,116 |
Earp | 3,766 | 3,855 |
Earwood | 1,585 | 1,606 |
Eash | 1,693 | 1,691 |
Easler | 1,263 | 1,083 |
Easley | 15,902 | 16,459 |
Eason | 16,923 | 17,714 |
East | 12,357 | 12,684 |
Eastburn | 1,474 | 1,458 |
Eastep | 1,296 | 1,394 |
Easter | 11,941 | 13,036 |
Easterday | 2,736 | 2,728 |
Easterling | 7,761 | 8,433 |
Easterly | 2,401 | 2,458 |
Easterwood | 1,922 | 1,991 |
Eastham | 2,159 | 2,263 |
Eastin | 1,724 | 1,858 |
Eastland | 1,258 | 1,344 |
Eastman | 16,295 | 16,791 |
Easton | 9,692 | 10,276 |
Eastridge | 2,174 | 2,185 |
Eastwood | 5,113 | 5,247 |
Eatmon | 2,203 | 2,355 |
Eaton | 46,403 | 47,184 |
Eaves | 7,674 | 7,902 |
Starting with “Eb”
Ebert is the most common name in this section.
This has Germanic origins. The meaning derives from the words for a wild boar.
It would be conferred on the families and descendants of a strong or fierce man.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Ebanks | 1,870 | 2,359 |
Ebarb | 1,197 | 1,307 |
Ebbert | 1,370 | 1,290 |
Ebel | 3,386 | 3,423 |
Ebeling | 2,411 | 2,382 |
Eberhard | 2,210 | 2,316 |
Eberhardt | 6,173 | 6,450 |
Eberhart | 4,819 | 4,862 |
Eberle | 5,917 | 5,944 |
Eberly | 4,578 | 4,796 |
Ebersole | 4,402 | 4,531 |
Ebert | 12,440 | 12,830 |
Ebling | 1,383 | 1,351 |
Ebner | 3,515 | 3,476 |
Ebright | 1,400 | 1,305 |
Ebron | 1,432 | 1,502 |
Eby | 6,249 | 6,786 |
Starting with “Ec”
Eckert is the most common name in this section.
The name is Germanic in origin. The meaning derives from two words. One is the Old German word for an edge or corner, and the second is the word for being brave.
There are several theories about why early adopters took the name. It may have been taken by soldiers with a sharp edge to their weapons.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Eccles | 2,916 | 3,209 |
Eccleston | 1,761 | 1,883 |
Echavarria | 2,332 | 3,402 |
Echevarria | 7,590 | 9,777 |
Echeverria | 6,481 | 9,552 |
Echols | 13,741 | 14,456 |
Eck | 7,670 | 7,681 |
Eckard | 2,868 | 2,806 |
Eckart | 1,708 | 1,873 |
Eckel | 2,531 | 2,453 |
Eckels | 1,346 | 1,429 |
Eckenrode | 2,403 | 2,379 |
Ecker | 4,755 | 4,772 |
Eckert | 17,161 | 17,269 |
Eckhardt | 4,502 | 4,520 |
Eckhart | 2,568 | 2,571 |
Eckhoff | 2,360 | 2,367 |
Eckler | 1,306 | 1,357 |
Eckles | 2,192 | 2,180 |
Eckley | 1,921 | 1,965 |
Ecklund | 2,128 | 2,087 |
Eckman | 4,739 | 4,914 |
Eckstein | 4,517 | 4,628 |
Eckstrom | 1,146 | 1,131 |
Ector | 1,028 | 1,077 |
Starting with “Ed”
Edwards is by far the most common name in this section. It had over 330 thousand holders in the 2010 U.S. census. The variant of Edward (without the s) had a few thousand more.
The name is of English origin. The meaning derives from the Middle English words for “good fortune” and “guardian”.
It was perhaps first conferred on people who built up wealth for their family. It was popular in Anglo Saxon times due to the influence of Edward the Confessor, the last king of the House of Wessex.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Eddie | 1,367 | 1,589 |
Eddings | 3,929 | 4,109 |
Eddington | 3,244 | 3,408 |
Eddins | 3,755 | 3,914 |
Eddleman | 2,184 | 2,117 |
Eddy | 19,230 | 19,321 |
Edelen | 2,400 | 2,524 |
Edelman | 5,442 | 5,428 |
Edelson | 1,168 | 1,210 |
Edelstein | 2,980 | 2,917 |
Eden | 7,062 | 7,489 |
Edenfield | 2,967 | 3,036 |
Edens | 6,050 | 6,110 |
Eder | 3,849 | 3,847 |
Edgar | 11,607 | 11,895 |
Edge | 11,216 | 11,556 |
Edgecomb | 1,214 | 1,223 |
Edgell | 2,194 | 2,311 |
Edgerly | 1,443 | 1,436 |
Edgerton | 4,677 | 4,740 |
Edgeworth | 1,109 | 1,226 |
Edgin | 1,034 | 1,034 |
Edgington | 2,863 | 3,077 |
Edick | 1,270 | 1,320 |
Edie | 1,639 | 1,637 |
Ediger | 1,099 | 1,120 |
Edinger | 3,359 | 3,459 |
Edington | 3,101 | 3,150 |
Edison | 3,860 | 4,015 |
Edler | 2,270 | 2,291 |
Edlin | 1,267 | 1,245 |
Edlund | 1,613 | 1,672 |
Edman | 1,506 | 1,559 |
Edmiston | 4,490 | 4,495 |
Edmond | 7,940 | 9,369 |
Edmonds | 24,210 | 24,857 |
Edmondson | 13,107 | 13,524 |
Edmonson | 4,566 | 4,631 |
Edmunds | 5,924 | 6,151 |
Edmundson | 3,143 | 3,196 |
Edney | 1,708 | 1,739 |
Edouard | 1,275 | 2,216 |
Edsall | 1,505 | 1,487 |
Edson | 3,911 | 3,906 |
Edward | 5,207 | 4,473 |
Edwards | 317,070 | 332,423 |
Starting with “Ee”
Eells is a variant of Eales and both names are of English origins.
The names date back to Medieval times, but there is little agreement amongst researchers on the meaning.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Eells | 1,305 | 1,415 |
Starting with “Ef”
Efird is slightly more popular than Effinger.
Efird is an English name that derives from several places of the same name in England. It was conferred upon families who came from these areas.
In contrast, Effinger is of Germanic origin. However, it also is a habitational name that was adopted by people from places of similar names.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Effinger | 1,578 | 1,596 |
Efird | 1,759 | 1,786 |
Starting with “Eg”
The most common name in this section is Egan.
This is an Irish name that we will cover in a separate list.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Egan | 22,491 | 23,048 |
Egbert | 4,685 | 5,089 |
Eger | 1,845 | 1,798 |
Egge | 1,165 | 1,164 |
Eggen | 1,613 | 1,643 |
Egger | 3,290 | 3,334 |
Eggers | 7,895 | 7,921 |
Eggert | 5,677 | 5,427 |
Eggleston | 9,951 | 10,057 |
Egli | 1,318 | 1,398 |
Egner | 1,571 | 1,584 |
Egolf | 1,119 | 1,138 |
Eguia | 1,201 | 1,626 |
Starting with “Eh”
Several of the names in this section are Germanic and are variants of Ehlert.
It may have a similar meaning to Eckert that we described earlier.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Ehle | 1,079 | 1,108 |
Ehler | 1,381 | 1,395 |
Ehlers | 7,442 | 7,524 |
Ehlert | 2,626 | 2,602 |
Ehrenberg | 1,260 | 1,305 |
Ehret | 2,041 | 2,061 |
Ehrhardt | 2,902 | 2,874 |
Ehrhart | 1,847 | 1,987 |
Ehrlich | 6,024 | 6,031 |
Ehrman | 1,636 | 1,658 |
Starting with “Ei”
Eisenberg is the most common name in this section.
The name is Germanic in origin. The meaning derives from words that mean “iron mountain”. There are several places that have this name.
Early bearers would come from these places and take the name of their town.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Eich | 2,048 | 2,033 |
Eichelberger | 4,587 | 4,647 |
Eichenlaub | 1,099 | 1,164 |
Eicher | 4,868 | 5,997 |
Eichhorn | 2,805 | 2,825 |
Eichler | 3,100 | 3,208 |
Eichman | 1,526 | 1,488 |
Eichner | 1,641 | 1,644 |
Eichorn | 1,090 | 1,106 |
Eick | 1,220 | 1,296 |
Eickhoff | 1,975 | 2,019 |
Eid | 1,644 | 2,219 |
Eide | 3,481 | 3,536 |
Eiden | 1,224 | 1,190 |
Eidson | 4,279 | 4,381 |
Eifert | 1,140 | 1,244 |
Eiland | 2,887 | 3,250 |
Eiler | 1,899 | 4,397 |
Eilers | 3,615 | 3,847 |
Einhorn | 1,807 | 1,981 |
Eisel | 1,018 | 1,014 |
Eisele | 3,265 | 3,220 |
Eisen | 2,849 | 3,377 |
Eisenberg | 6,728 | 6,798 |
Eisenhart | 1,729 | 1,864 |
Eisenhauer | 2,890 | 2,890 |
Eisenhower | 1,072 | 1,073 |
Eisenman | 1,816 | 1,937 |
Eisenstein | 1,183 | 1,236 |
Eisner | 2,872 | 3,294 |
Eitel | 1,467 | 1,509 |
Starting with “Ek”
Ek is one of the few two-letter last names on this big list.
The name is of Swedish origins. It refers to an oak tree. Ek could have been conferred on a large and sturdy man and his descendants.
It may also have been taken by families who lived near oaks and woodland.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Ek | 1,568 | 1,882 |
Ekberg | 1,035 | 1,045 |
Eklund | 3,966 | 4,053 |
Ekstrom | 2,879 | 3,795 |
Starting with “El”
Ellis is the most common name in this section with over 188 thousand bearers in the 2010 American census. The name has different English and Welsh origins.
The Welsh version derived from “Elisedd”, meaning a kind person.
The English version dates to Medieval times. It derives from the name Elijah, which is a variant of Jehovah (a biblical name for God).
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
El | 1,168 | 1,597 |
Elam | 13,776 | 14,138 |
Elamin | 1,315 | 1,716 |
Elbert | 3,088 | 3,339 |
Elder | 28,783 | 29,796 |
Elders | 1,601 | 1,641 |
Eldred | 4,509 | 4,580 |
Eldredge | 4,178 | 4,426 |
Eldridge | 24,510 | 25,299 |
Eley | 4,675 | 4,848 |
Elgin | 2,969 | 3,036 |
Eli | 1,450 | 1,688 |
Elia | 3,042 | 3,460 |
Elias | 19,394 | 24,696 |
Eliason | 3,480 | 3,735 |
Elie | 2,209 | 2,767 |
Elizalde | 3,886 | 5,620 |
Elizarraras | 1,034 | 1,547 |
Elizondo | 12,183 | 15,419 |
Elkin | 3,137 | 3,578 |
Elkins | 23,953 | 24,902 |
Ell | 1,342 | 1,430 |
Ellard | 1,563 | 1,657 |
Elledge | 4,113 | 4,110 |
Ellefson | 2,162 | 2,137 |
Ellen | 1,155 | 1,125 |
Ellenberger | 2,234 | 2,627 |
Ellenburg | 2,185 | 2,286 |
Eller | 13,243 | 11,103 |
Ellerbe | 2,420 | 2,560 |
Ellerbee | 1,404 | 1,518 |
Ellett | 1,978 | 2,133 |
Elling | 1,236 | 1,250 |
Ellinger | 2,511 | 2,737 |
Ellingson | 5,435 | 5,590 |
Ellingsworth | 1,190 | 1,251 |
Ellington | 11,030 | 11,522 |
Elliot | 8,714 | 8,518 |
Elliott | 132,457 | 135,765 |
Ellis | 181,934 | 188,968 |
Ellison | 41,459 | 42,827 |
Elliston | 1,161 | 1,337 |
Ellman | 1,341 | 1,470 |
Ells | 1,436 | 1,579 |
Ellsworth | 13,213 | 13,813 |
Ellwood | 1,431 | 1,536 |
Ellzey | 1,694 | 1,742 |
Elmer | 5,896 | 6,119 |
Elmore | 25,280 | 25,774 |
Elms | 2,331 | 2,292 |
Elrod | 10,661 | 10,851 |
Elsasser | 1,276 | 1,295 |
Elsayed | 1,044 | 1,695 |
Elsberry | 1,424 | 1,452 |
Elsea | 1,254 | 1,277 |
Elser | 1,376 | 1,549 |
Elsey | 1,677 | 1,705 |
Elsner | 2,385 | 2,017 |
Elson | 2,987 | 3,126 |
Elston | 5,423 | 5,803 |
Elswick | 3,458 | 3,495 |
Elton | 2,213 | 2,453 |
Elwell | 5,287 | 5,326 |
Elwood | 4,881 | 5,000 |
Ely | 12,884 | 13,130 |
Elzey | 1,353 | 1,391 |
Elzy | 1,012 | 1,088 |
Starting with “Em”
Emerson is the most common name in this section with over thirty thousand American bearers in the 2010 census.
It is a variant of Emery, which is close to the same numbers. The names arrived into England with the Norman invasion.
The ultimate origins are actually Germanic and the meaning refers to a powerful person.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Emanuel | 6,051 | 6,517 |
Emberton | 1,397 | 1,580 |
Embree | 2,386 | 2,338 |
Embrey | 3,455 | 3,681 |
Embry | 8,379 | 8,675 |
Emerick | 5,751 | 6,333 |
Emerson | 30,028 | 30,702 |
Emert | 1,963 | 1,889 |
Emery | 25,338 | 25,839 |
Emig | 2,087 | 2,083 |
Emigh | 1,153 | 1,119 |
Emma | 1,026 | 1,137 |
Emmanuel | 1,906 | 2,864 |
Emmer | 1,183 | 1,322 |
Emmerich | 1,681 | 1,727 |
Emmert | 3,920 | 4,025 |
Emmett | 3,505 | 3,619 |
Emmons | 13,162 | 13,493 |
Emond | 2,345 | 2,346 |
Emory | 5,504 | 5,641 |
Empey | 1,062 | 1,182 |
Emrich | 1,993 | 2,041 |
Emrick | 2,622 | 2,386 |
Starting with “En”
English is the most common name in this section with about forty-six thousand bearers in American in 2010.
These are variants from the Old English word “Englisc”. You won’t be surprised to learn that it was conferred on people from England.
However, you may be surprised by some origins of “England”, which has nearly thirty thousand bearers in the 2010 census.
The English origins are obvious.
But it also is found in Norway, where the origins are from the Norse word for a meadow. There, it refers to people who come from cultivated land.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Encarnacion | 4,703 | 7,171 |
Encinas | 3,630 | 4,369 |
Encinias | 1,123 | 1,232 |
Enciso | 3,485 | 4,674 |
Enderle | 1,703 | 1,986 |
Enders | 3,516 | 3,584 |
Endicott | 4,630 | 4,761 |
Endo | 1,698 | 1,652 |
Endres | 4,911 | 5,163 |
Endsley | 2,785 | 2,902 |
Enfield | 1,355 | 1,339 |
Enfinger | 1,435 | 1,435 |
Eng | 10,102 | 10,682 |
Engberg | 1,203 | 1,259 |
Engdahl | 1,089 | 1,075 |
Engebretson | 2,335 | 2,684 |
Engel | 21,567 | 21,933 |
Engelbrecht | 2,205 | 2,273 |
Engelhardt | 4,821 | 4,924 |
Engelhart | 1,377 | 1,356 |
Engelke | 1,546 | 1,578 |
Engelman | 2,531 | 2,645 |
Engelmann | 1,539 | 1,707 |
Engels | 3,030 | 3,213 |
Engen | 2,237 | 2,406 |
Enger | 2,329 | 2,552 |
England | 28,861 | 29,926 |
Engle | 19,022 | 19,226 |
Englehart | 2,719 | 2,732 |
Engleman | 2,118 | 2,088 |
Engler | 5,964 | 6,194 |
Englert | 4,431 | 4,421 |
Engles | 1,266 | 1,357 |
English | 45,032 | 46,393 |
Englund | 2,815 | 2,933 |
Engman | 1,161 | 1,295 |
Engram | 1,798 | 1,896 |
Engstrom | 6,166 | 6,229 |
Enloe | 2,831 | 2,778 |
Enlow | 2,998 | 2,936 |
Ennis | 16,102 | 16,419 |
Enns | 1,105 | 1,275 |
Eno | 1,679 | 1,658 |
Enoch | 3,236 | 3,394 |
Enochs | 1,921 | 1,975 |
Enos | 7,978 | 8,097 |
Enright | 6,702 | 7,108 |
Enrique | 1,038 | 1,283 |
Enriquez | 29,886 | 41,271 |
Ensign | 2,496 | 2,564 |
Ensley | 3,716 | 4,055 |
Ensminger | 2,508 | 2,525 |
Ensor | 2,289 | 2,352 |
Entrekin | 1,631 | 1,646 |
Entwistle | 1,505 | 1,482 |
Enyart | 1,394 | 1,481 |
Enyeart | 1,179 | 1,171 |
Starting with “Eo”
Eoff may derive from the High German word for a farm (hof).
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Eoff | 1,485 | 1,394 |
Starting with “Ep”
Epstein has Germanic origins.
Early adopters may come from several places of that name across Germany.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Epler | 1,105 | 1,121 |
Epley | 3,615 | 3,667 |
Epling | 1,916 | 1,867 |
Epp | 2,105 | 2,127 |
Eppard | 1,125 | 1,162 |
Epperly | 2,162 | 2,267 |
Epperson | 12,400 | 12,884 |
Eppinger | 1,115 | 1,126 |
Eppler | 1,634 | 1,611 |
Eppley | 1,670 | 1,701 |
Epps | 18,780 | 20,112 |
Epstein | 13,269 | 12,952 |
Epting | 1,226 | 1,327 |
Starting with “Er”
Erickson is the most common name in this section and has five more variants on the list.
These names are of Scandinavian origin. They mean “son of Erik”, but what did Erik mean? The Old Norse name derives from words for “forever” and “ruler”.
The early bearers were powerful rulers, and the variants of Erickson were taken by their descendants.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Erazo | 2,991 | 4,873 |
Erb | 8,810 | 9,060 |
Erbe | 1,560 | 1,486 |
Erby | 1,406 | 1,449 |
Erdman | 6,624 | 6,558 |
Erdmann | 4,005 | 4,085 |
Erhardt | 2,173 | 2,164 |
Erhart | 1,601 | 1,547 |
Ericksen | 3,386 | 3,877 |
Erickson | 80,936 | 82,085 |
Ericson | 6,016 | 6,014 |
Eriksen | 2,859 | 3,000 |
Erikson | 2,625 | 2,635 |
Eriksson | 1,006 | 1,185 |
Erlandson | 2,042 | 2,070 |
Ernest | 4,694 | 4,745 |
Ernst | 18,521 | 18,361 |
Errico | 1,701 | 1,672 |
Erskine | 5,079 | 5,258 |
Ertel | 2,227 | 2,170 |
Ertl | 1,100 | 1,024 |
Ervin | 24,511 | 25,698 |
Erving | 1,450 | 1,532 |
Erwin | 22,120 | 22,496 |
Starting with “Es”
The most popular names in this section are of Hispanic origins.
We have covered these in more depth in our list of Hispanic last names starting with E.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Esau | 1,039 | 1,181 |
Escalante | 14,032 | 20,626 |
Escalera | 4,822 | 6,616 |
Escalona | 2,009 | 3,055 |
Escamilla | 15,278 | 20,958 |
Escandon | 1,413 | 1,924 |
Escarcega | 1,739 | 2,363 |
Escareno | 2,013 | 3,079 |
Esch | 2,974 | 3,179 |
Escobar | 42,955 | 64,403 |
Escobedo | 21,790 | 29,185 |
Escoto | 3,627 | 5,249 |
Escudero | 2,515 | 3,352 |
Escue | 1,170 | 1,161 |
Escutia | 1,224 | 1,665 |
Esguerra | 1,503 | 2,085 |
Esh | 2,316 | 3,529 |
Eshelman | 2,745 | 2,756 |
Eshleman | 2,293 | 2,297 |
Eskew | 3,732 | 3,834 |
Eskridge | 3,922 | 3,969 |
Eslick | 1,573 | 1,580 |
Eslinger | 2,603 | 2,641 |
Espada | 1,730 | 2,245 |
Espana | 2,501 | 4,127 |
Esparza | 32,772 | 42,559 |
Espejo | 1,849 | 2,769 |
Esper | 1,176 | 1,232 |
Espey | 1,198 | 1,129 |
Espinal | 10,534 | 15,924 |
Espindola | 1,771 | 2,704 |
Espino | 10,968 | 15,997 |
Espinola | 1,260 | 1,478 |
Espinosa | 30,538 | 38,667 |
Espinoza | 79,322 | 112,154 |
Espiritu | 3,310 | 4,438 |
Espitia | 3,018 | 4,324 |
Esposito | 22,651 | 22,789 |
Espy | 1,851 | 1,851 |
Esqueda | 4,360 | 5,773 |
Esquer | 1,435 | 1,855 |
Esquibel | 4,708 | 5,187 |
Esquilin | 1,052 | 1,299 |
Esquivel | 26,301 | 37,578 |
Essary | 2,594 | 2,583 |
Esser | 4,164 | 4,297 |
Essex | 3,616 | 3,858 |
Essick | 1,033 | 1,081 |
Essig | 2,032 | 2,175 |
Esslinger | 1,425 | 1,486 |
Essman | 1,104 | 1,120 |
Estabrook | 2,468 | 2,529 |
Esteban | 3,092 | 5,240 |
Estell | 2,015 | 2,155 |
Estelle | 1,637 | 1,793 |
Estep | 13,793 | 14,037 |
Estepp | 1,125 | 1,130 |
Ester | 1,997 | 2,308 |
Esterline | 1,154 | 1,150 |
Esters | 1,448 | 1,582 |
Estes | 35,839 | 36,318 |
Esteves | 3,231 | 3,913 |
Estevez | 7,702 | 11,032 |
Estey | 1,631 | 1,629 |
Estill | 1,382 | 1,305 |
Estrada | 92,831 | 127,470 |
Estrella | 10,167 | 13,758 |
Estridge | 1,348 | 1,327 |
Starting with “Et”
Etheridge is the most common name in this section with over ten thousand American bearers in 2010.
The name has English origins. The meaning derives from the Old English words for “good fortune” and “powerful”.
It would have been conferred on the heads of families who had become prosperous. The name would later be taken by their descendants.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Etchison | 1,690 | 1,783 |
Etheredge | 2,497 | 2,592 |
Etheridge | 10,041 | 10,420 |
Etherington | 1,109 | 1,158 |
Etherton | 1,809 | 1,820 |
Ethier | 1,949 | 2,012 |
Ethington | 1,463 | 1,610 |
Ethridge | 7,759 | 7,878 |
Etienne | 5,678 | 7,867 |
Etter | 4,975 | 5,039 |
Ettinger | 2,346 | 2,354 |
Etzel | 1,787 | 1,747 |
Starting with “Eu”
Eubanks had over twenty thousand U.S. bearers in 2010.
The name is of English origin and the meaning is exactly what it sounds like. It describes people who lived near yew trees growing on a river bank.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Eubank | 5,298 | 5,171 |
Eubanks | 19,616 | 20,424 |
Eudy | 2,755 | 2,749 |
Eugene | 3,160 | 4,205 |
Eugenio | 1,564 | 2,238 |
Euler | 1,559 | 1,761 |
Eure | 1,988 | 2,027 |
Eurich | 1,005 | 1,170 |
Eusebio | 1,395 | 2,035 |
Eustace | 1,199 | 1,370 |
Eustice | 1,251 | 1,158 |
Starting with “Ev”
Evans is by far the most common name in this section with over 350 thousand Americans having the name in 2010.
It is of Welsh origin and is still very popular in that region. It derives from John.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Evan | 2,000 | 2,021 |
Evangelista | 6,871 | 8,964 |
Evanoff | 1,675 | 1,739 |
Evans | 342,237 | 355,593 |
Evanson | 1,258 | 1,368 |
Evatt | 1,096 | 1,253 |
Eveland | 2,756 | 2,799 |
Evelyn | 1,139 | 1,278 |
Even | 1,789 | 1,966 |
Evens | 2,535 | 2,587 |
Evenson | 6,186 | 6,088 |
Everage | 1,185 | 1,226 |
Everett | 38,702 | 39,593 |
Everette | 3,285 | 3,745 |
Everhart | 10,118 | 10,186 |
Everidge | 1,181 | 1,257 |
Everitt | 3,385 | 3,615 |
Everly | 3,222 | 3,262 |
Everman | 1,797 | 1,740 |
Evers | 9,289 | 9,300 |
Eversole | 5,056 | 5,114 |
Everson | 7,422 | 7,694 |
Evert | 2,361 | 2,492 |
Everts | 2,203 | 2,149 |
Every | 1,313 | 1,193 |
Eves | 1,490 | 1,506 |
Evins | 1,376 | 1,629 |
Starting with “Ew”
Ewing is of Scottish origin. It derives from the personal name “Ewen”.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Ewald | 4,592 | 4,535 |
Ewalt | 1,152 | 1,144 |
Ewart | 2,042 | 2,114 |
Ewell | 4,651 | 4,794 |
Ewen | 1,945 | 1,886 |
Ewer | 1,011 | 1,085 |
Ewers | 2,650 | 2,718 |
Ewert | 2,759 | 2,728 |
Ewing | 32,925 | 33,314 |
Starting with “Ex”
Dziedzic | 2,127 | 2,147 |
Exley | 1,302 | 1,350 |
Exline | 1,367 | 1,433 |
Exum | 2,772 | 2,852 |
Starting with “Ey”
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Eye | 1,761 | 1,576 |
Eyer | 1,713 | 1,784 |
Eyler | 2,528 | 2,523 |
Eyre | 2,256 | 2,374 |
Starting with “Ez”
Ezell and Ezzell are variants of a name that has Germanic origins.
The meaning is derived from the High German word for a donkey.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Ezell | 10,926 | 11,121 |
Ezzell | 2,263 | 2,298 |
The census data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau who provide public files for download:
The origins and meaning of the names in this article come from several sources, including: